(A)   Every person, individual, firm, owner, corporation, landlord, or combination thereof engaged in the business of leasing or renting of any apartment building, multiple unit, multiple dwelling units, or single-dwelling unit which has a separate power meter and is rented or leased for more than sixty (60) days to the same person or family regardless of whether the initial term is less than sixty (60) days if the term is routinely renewed for more than sixty (60) days, is hereby required to make application to and receive an annual license from the City Tax Department or other city department designated by the City Manager before engaging in the business. The annual license fee shall be the fee set forth in Chapter 115 of this Code of Ordinances. Said applicant shall state their name and address and identify the number of tenants occupying his or her property and the location thereof to include the physical address of each unit. The City Tax Department or other city office designated by the City Manager shall present an updated list of all license holders the first working day of each month and/or will maintain a continuous list to be made available to other city departments as necessary which will be updated on either a monthly or more frequent basis. The City Tax Department or other city office designated by the City Manager shall issue said license if:
      (1)   The applicant’s property is not in violation of any ordinance of the city as determined by inspections completed in accordance with § 92.36 by both the Housing Inspector and the Environmental Codes Officer or other city official(s) designated by the City Manager;
      (2)   All city taxes and fees shall be fully paid;
      (3)   The applicant provides a full legal description of all parcels of property he or she rents;
      (4)   The applicant shall pay the annual inspection fee for one half of all units for which they have or are requesting a permit prior to issuance of the license excepting those units which the landlord can document as having been inspected by the City of Pikeville under contract by the Pikeville Housing Authority shall not count toward this total. In addition, a credit will be granted for any inspections the city, for whatever reason, failed to complete during the year following the prior renewal;
      (5)   The initial landlord license application can be submitted at any time and should be completed at least thirty (30) days prior to tenant occupancy in order to allow for sufficient time for the initial inspection to be completed;
      (6)   The annual renewal will be due on or before January 1 of each year; and
      (7)   A licensed landlord must acquire a permit for each unit prior to renting that unit even if it falls outside of the annual license renewal schedule. For clarification, it should be noted that the landlord license allows the landlord to conduct business as such, but each unit is considered to have its own permit.
   (B)   The Tax Administrator or other city employee or department designated by the City Manager is hereby empowered to revoke said license if it is discovered that the applicant has:
      (1)   Misrepresented himself or herself or the estate of his or her property;
      (2)   Refused access to premises for inspection as required in § 92.36; or
      (3)   Unabated violations or more than three (3) repeated violations on a same property in a twelve (12) month period.
   (C)   (1)   Every person, individual, firm, owner, corporation, landlord, or combination thereof engaged in the business of leasing or renting of any apartment building, multiple unit, multiple dwelling units, or single-dwelling unit which has a separate power meter and is rented or leased for more than sixty (60) days to the same person or family regardless of whether the initial term is less than sixty (60) days if the term is routinely renewed for more than sixty (60) days, shall be required to acquire a permit for each rental unit they operate. This will require them to pay the City Tax Office for the required inspection fees for each separate unit they are renting as outlined above prior to receiving the permit. Said permit shall state the landlord’s name, address, contact number and e-mail address if one is available. The permit shall have the physical address for each separate rented or leased unit owned and operated by the landlord. Upon approval of the license and permits, the Tax Administrator shall, as soon as practical, provide a list of permitted rental units, including physical addresses, to the Utility Department and to the Commissioner of Public Safety or other city department designated by the City Manager. This list shall include a designation to indicate which units were inspected under contract by the Pikeville Housing Authority.
      (2)   The Commissioner of Public Safety or other city employee or department designated by the City Manager is hereby empowered to revoke the permit for any individual unit or property if it is discovered that the applicant has:
         (a)   Their property is or becomes in violation of any of the ordinances of the city and/or the statutes of the state, federal government or this chapter;
         (b)   Misrepresented himself or herself or the estate of their property;
         (c)   Refused access to premises for inspection as required in § 92.36; or
         (d)   Unbated violations or more than three (3) repeated violations on a same property in a twelve (12) month period.
(Ord. 0-90-007, passed 4-9-90; Am. Ord. 0-2010-015, passed 9-27-10; Am. Ord. 0-2011-017, passed 5-23-11; Am. Ord. 0-2012-021, passed 8-27-12; Am. Ord. 0-2012-025, passed 10-22-12; Am. Ord. O-2018-15, passed 7-23-18; Am. Ord. O-2020-15, passed 10-26-20)