(A) Discrimination in the sale, rental, leasing, financing of housing or land to be used for construction of housing or in the provision of brokerage services because of race, color, religion, sex or national origin is prohibited by Title VIII of the 1968 Civil Rights Act (Federal Fair Housing Law).
(B) It is the policy of the City of Pikeville to implement programs to ensure equal opportunity in housing for all persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 expands coverage to include disabled persons and families with children and HUD 2012 regulations expanded coverage to sexual orientation or gender identity.
(C) Within available resources the City of Pikeville will assist all persons who feel they have been discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability or familial status to seek equity under federal and state laws by filing a complaint with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, Compliance Division.
(D) The City of Pikeville shall publicize this section and through this publicity shall encourage owners of real estate, developers and builders to become aware of their respective responsibilities and rights under the Federal Fair Housing Law and amendments and any applicable state or local laws or ordinances.
(E) The program will at a minimum include:
(1) Printing and publicizing of this policy and other applicable fair housing information through local media and community contacts;
(2) Distribution of posters, flyers, and any other means that will bring attention of those affected, the knowledge of their respective responsibilities and rights concerning equal opportunity in housing; and
(3) Prepare an analysis of impediments to fair housing choice and actions to mitigate such impediments.
(Res. - - , passed 12-22-03; Res. - - , passed 4-11-16)
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
(1) A riot or unlawful assembly characterized by the use of actual force or violence or any threat to use force if accompanied by immediate power to execute by three or more persons acting together without the authority of law;
(2) Any natural disaster, pandemic or manmade calamity including floods, conflagrations, cyclones, tornados, earthquakes, explosions or other emergencies which pose a major threat to public safety so as to cause or threaten death or serious injury of persons or the destruction of property to such an extent that extraordinary measures must be taken to protect the public health, safety and welfare.
CURFEW. A prohibition against any person walking, running, loitering, standing or motoring upon any alley, street, highway, public property or vacant premises within the corporate limits of the city, excepting persons officially designated with reference to the civil emergency.
(Ord. O-2023-06, passed 6-26-23)
Whenever a civil emergency shall occur in the City of Pikeville, the Mayor, or City Manager if the Mayor is absent or unable to act for any reason, shall have the power to do the following:
(A) To declare hours of curfew for all persons and during such hours of curfew, all persons shall be at their homes and shall not be on the streets, alleys or other public areas of the city. The curfew shall be declared in a proclamation of the Mayor, which proclamation shall be delivered to the Chief of Police; who shall then see that the proclamation is delivered to all news media within the city and who shall also use public address systems throughout the city to immediately notify the public of the proclamation and curfew and warn the public that any violation of the curfew shall be deemed a misdemeanor and violators will be arrested.
(B) To declare all or any business establishments be closed and remain closed until further order. After notice to close is given to any business establishment, any person operating the establishment who refuses to close or remain closed during the period the order is in effect shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Ord. O-2023-06, passed 6-26-23)
The Chief of Police shall have authority to temporarily close any and all streets, alleys and other public ways in the city to the public whenever, in the opinion of the Chief of Police, it is necessary in order to maintain the peace of the community.
(Ord. O-2023-06, passed 6-26-23)
It shall be unlawful for any person to remain present at the place of any riot or unlawful assembly after the same has been ordered to disperse by the police or any other lawful authority, except those public officers and persons assisting them in attempting to disperse the same.
(Ord. O-2023-06, passed 6-26-23)