(A) A separate and independent building sewer shall be provided for every building; except where one building stands at the rear of another on an interior lot and no private sewer is available or can be constructed to the rear building through an adjoining alley, courtyard, or driveway. The sewer from the front building may be extended to the rear building and the whole considered as one building sewer, but the city does not and will not assume any obligation or responsibility for damage caused by or resulting from any such single connection aforementioned.
(B) Old building sewers may be used in connection with new buildings only when they are found, on examination and test by the City Manager, to meet all requirements of this chapter. Permit and inspection fees for new buildings using existing building sewers shall be the same as for new building sewers. If additional sewer customers are added to the old building sewers, additional sewer tap fees shall be charged accordingly even though no new sewer tap is actually made into the city system.
(C) Extension of customer service lines from any point on the customer’s side of the tap for delivery of waste from any location other than that of the customer in whose name the tap is registered shall not be permitted.
(D) The building sewer shall be cast iron soil pipe, ASTM A-74, latest revision, PVC (polyvinyl-chloride) sewer pipe, ASTM C-700, latest revision, or ductile iron pipe, A WW A specification C-151 cement lined, and shall meet all requirements of the State plumbing code. Joints shall be as set out hereinafter. Any part of the building sewer that is located within five feet of a water service pipe shall be constructed with cast iron soil pipe or ductile iron pipe, unless the building sewer is at least one foot deeper in the ground than the water service line. Cast iron soil pipe or ductile iron pipe may be required by the city where the building sewer is exposed to damage or stoppage by tree roots. Cast iron soil pipe or ductile iron pipe shall be used in filled or unstable ground, in areas where the cover over the building sewer is less than three feet, or in areas where the sewer is subject to vehicular or other external loads.
(E) The size, slope, alignment, materials of construction of a building sewer, and the methods to be used in excavating, placing of the pipe, jointing, testing, and backfilling the trench, shall all conform to the requirements of the local and state building and plumbing codes and other applicable rules and regulations of the city. Manholes may be required at all commercial and industrial connections to the Pikeville municipal sewer system. The owner of the facility shall be responsible for all costs associated with installation of the manhole(s). Specifications for manholes may be obtained by contacting the Pretreatment Coordinator.
(F) All costs and expenses incidental to the installation and connection of the building sewer shall be borne by the owner(s). The owner(s) shall indemnify the city for any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the building sewer. Fees for connection shall be as established by the city.
(G) The owner shall ensure that all excavations for building sewer installation shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard. Streets, sidewalks, parkways, and other public property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the city.
(H) In all buildings in which any sanitary facility drain is too low to permit gravity flow to the public sewer, sanitary sewage carried by such drain shall be lifted by an approved means and discharged to the same building sewer. Drain pipe and sump for collection of such sanitary drainage shall be above basement floor or in separately watertight or drained sump or channel and must be inspected and approved by the Pretreatment Coordinator prior to connection to the system.
(I) The building sewer shall be connected into the public sewer at the easement or property line. Where no property located service branch is available, an authorized agent of the city shall cut a neat hole into the main line of the public sewer and a suitable wye or tee saddle installed to receive the building sewer. The invert of the building sewer at such point of connection with a saddle shall be in the upper quadrant of the main line of the public sewer. A neat workmanlike connection, not extending past the inner surface of the public sewer, shall be made and the saddle made secure and watertight by encasement in epoxy cement specially prepared for this purpose. A wye and H bend fitting shall be installed at the property line between the public sewer and the building sewer. This fitting shall serve the purpose of a cleanout and for applying the smoke test during inspection of the line. After testing, a cast iron or ductile iron riser will be inserted in this fitting and brought flush with the ground surface. A stopper or plug, outfitted with a type joint applicable to the pipe used, shall seal this riser against the intrusion of ground or surface water.
(J) All building sanitary sewer lines will be installed so as to meet or exceed the most current revision of the State Plumbing Code.
(K) All persons working on city sewers with a cleaning rod must use an approved type rod in cleaning sewer connections to city sewers.
(Ord. O-2019-01, passed 1-28-19)
(A) The applicant for the building sewer permit shall notify the WWTP Superintendent when the building sewer is ready for connection to the public sewer. The connection shall be made under the supervision of the WWTP Superintendent or his representative. The connections shall be made gastight and watertight and verified by proper testing.
(B) All building sewers shall be smoke tested through the wye branch at the public sewer connection, with public sewer tightly plugged off, after connections at both ends are made and after all pipe is properly bedded and backfilled at least to top of pipe and if backfill is completed, within two weeks after completion of backfill. At time of test, any openings into the building drain inside the building shall be water trapped or plugged. Any leakage of smoke from building sewer or building drain and plumbing shall be located at test and repaired to stand repetition of smoke test without leakage. Tests shall be performed at the expense of the property owner in the presence of the WWTP Superintendent or his or her designee. When smoke testing is completed, the temporary flow line plug shall be removed and a permanent water tight plug shall be placed in branch of test wye-branch and carefully backfilled by hand and tamped to at least six (6) inches above the top of the branch.
(Ord. O-2019-01, passed 1-28-19)