123.01 Purpose
123.02 Definitions
123.03 [Reserved]
123.04 Permit and license required for yearly operation
123.05 Application for permit
123.06 Application, license and permit fees
123.07 General rules and regulations
123.08 Prohibition against the transfer of a permit and/or license
123.09 Enforcement
123.10 Denial, revocation, suspension or permit and/or business license
123.11 Appeal to council upon denial, revocation or suspension
123.12 Service of notices
(A) The general purpose of these regulations is to promote the health, safety, comfort, convenience, prosperity, and general welfare of the citizens of Pikeville by requiring that new and existing mobile food vehicles and vendors provide patrons and customers with a level of cleanliness, quality and safety.
(B) It is also the intent of these regulations to establish reasonable guidelines and restrictions for mobile food vehicles and vendors and relationship to established restaurant businesses and encourage the safe and convenient use of the city’s right of ways and other properties, including parking lots, parks, office buildings, and the like.
(Ord. 0-2015-019, passed 12-14-15; Am. Ord. O-2019-21, passed 8-12-19)
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning.
FOOD SERVICE WORKER. A person who works for or under the direction of, on behalf of, or as an agent of a food vehicle permittee and/or owner.
FOOD ZONE. An area designated by the City Manager or his or her designee, that has been approved for the specific operation of mobile food vehicles and/or vendors. A zone could include space for one or multiple mobile food vehicles or vendors.
MOBILE FOOD VEHICLE. A unit mounted on or pulled by a self-propelled vehicle where food for individual portion service is prepared, or dispensed; is self-contained with its own drinking water tank and waste water tank including prepackaged food; is designed to be readily movable; and is moved daily to return to its commentary.
MOBILE FOOD VENDOR. Any other mobile food vendor not defined as a “mobile food vehicle” including a non-self propelled mobile food unit that are lightweight enough, design, and intended to be moved by one person. A MOBILE FOOD VENDOR can only be used to prepare and serve only:
(1) Non-potentially hazardous foods such as popcorn, lemonade, soft drinks, hot dogs or flavored ice; or
(2) Foods pre-wrapped at the commissary and maintained at the required temperatures.
(Ord. 0-2015-019, passed 12-14-15; Am. Ord. O-2019-21, passed 8-12-19)