   The Personnel Guidelines Manual attached to Ord. No. 0-2005-019 is hereby adopted as the Personnel and Policy Manual for the City of Pikeville. Copies are available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the City Clerk.
(Ord. 0-2005-019, passed 9-12-05)
§ 34.15 POLICY.
   The City Personnel Guidelines Manual dated April 23, 2012, also adopted by resolution on April 23, 2012 is hereby adopted as the Personnel and Policy Manual for the city. The manual shall supersede any and all previous versions. The manual will contain the complete benefits package for all personnel employed directly by the city. Copies available for public inspection at the office of the City Clerk. Any amendments to the policy manual must be dated made via motion and a majority vote by City Commission.
(Ord. 0-2009-02, passed 2-9-09; Am. Ord. 0-2012-14, passed 6-11-12)
   (A)   The city is hereby authorized to participate in the County Employees Retirement System effective July 1, 1989 and all eligible regular full-time officers and employees of the city are hereby authorized and directed to comply with the statutory requirements of this retirement system.
   (B)   All the employees of the city (either employed under nonhazardous job positions or hazardous positions) whose duties require an average of one hundred (100) hours during each working month shall be considered as “regular full-time” employees for county retirement purposes except those employees of agencies excluded as shown below which may participate in the system as a separate agency and those other employees who are employed as “temporary”, “part-time” and “seasonal” workers, as defined in KRS 78.510(21) of the County Employees Retirement Laws. The agencies expressly excluded as authorized by KRS 78.530 are the city Urban Renewal Agency and all other Boards or Commissions authorized by the city should they be determined to be an agency of the city.
   (C)   The city will comply with all the statutory requirements to make the county employees Retirement System hazardous Duty Coverage available for all eligible employees who are working under approved positions within the police and fire departments.
(Ord 0-89-004, passed 4-10-89; Am. Ord. 0-2009-02, passed 2-9-09)
   (A)   The retirement system created will be available to retired city employees who meet the following criteria:
      (1)   Who were employed by the city on August 25, 1975; and
      (2)   Who have completed at least twenty five (25) years of employment with the city; and
      (3)   Who retire from employment for the city.
   (B)   The pension shall be five hundred dollars ($500.00) per month payable from the general funds, but there shall be a dollar for dollar offset for any other pension or retirement benefits received from any other source other than social security or SSI by the employee. With regard to the city’s funded pensions, this offset shall apply to only that portion of any city funded pension benefits that are attributed to city contributions to the pension. The portion of the benefit attributed to the city employee’s contribution shall not be offset. The offset provided for herein shall apply retroactively to all other pension or retirement benefits heretofore granted as described in the preamble hereto.
   (C)   The pension shall be payable only to the employee for and during his or her natural life and no payment will be due or payable to either the dependents of, heirs of, spouse of or other relatives of the employee following his or her demise.
   (D)   No disability plan or fund is established.
   (E)   This section shall not create any property rights and shall be subject to amendment or cancellation at any time.
   (F)   No policemen or firemen are eligible to participate in this retirement plan.
(Ord. 0-98-001, passed 2-23-98)
   (A)   The city is hereby authorized to grant a cell phone for the elected offices of Mayor and City Commissioners, under the active city government cell phone plan. At the Mayor’s or City Commissioner’s discretion instead of electing to accept a city owned cell phone they may instead
utilize their personal cell phone and be granted a monthly stipend of $75 to pay for cell phone, texting, data service and accessories.
   (B)   Upon the last day elected officials term, if they have accepted the option of being granted a city owned cell phone, the elected official must return said to the City Manager.
(Ord. 0-2012-029, passed 12-10-12)
   As used in this subchapter, the terms below shall have the following meanings:
   ADMINISTRATOR. The Kentucky League of Cities City Officials Training Center.
   EXCESS HOURS. Credit hours earned beyond fifteen (15) during a single calendar year.
   QUALIFYING COURSE. Any training, seminar, educational or learning event that provides instruction or information that is relevant to the duties and junctions of city government and city officials and that has been approved by the administrator.
   TRAINING UNIT. Fifteen (15) clock hours of attendance or participation in qualifying courses during a calendar year.
(Ord. 0-2011-015, passed 5-23-11)