General Provisions
34.01 Personnel Guidelines Manual adopted
34.02 Pikeville Personnel Guidelines Manual adopted
34.15 Policy
34.16 Participation in County Employees’ Retirement System
34.17 Retirement
34.18 Cell phone and cell phone stipend for City Commission
City Officials Training
34.25 Definitions
34.26 Adoption of city officials training program; application
34.27 Incentive payment amount; required training participation
34.28 Policy regarding payment or reimbursement for training courses
34.29 Administration of City Officials Training Program
34.30 Status of Incentive Payments
The City Personnel Guidelines Manual dated April 23, 2012, also adopted by resolution on April 23, 2012 is hereby adopted as the Personnel Policy Manual for the city. The manual shall supercede any and all previous versions. Copies are available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the City Clerk. Any amendments to said policy manual must be dated, made via motion and a majority vote by City Commission.
(Ord. 0-2009-02, passed 2-9-09; Am. Ord. 0-2012-14, passed 6-11-12)
The Personnel Guidelines Manual attached to Ord. No. 0-2005-019 is hereby adopted as the Personnel and Policy Manual for the City of Pikeville. Copies are available for public inspection during normal business hours at the office of the City Clerk.
(Ord. 0-2005-019, passed 9-12-05)