Competitive sealed bidding is not always feasible, and the Model Procurement Code permits the use of alternative methods in the following situations:
   (A)   Competitive negotiation may be used where (a) specifications are too vague; (b) sources of supply are limited, time and place of performance cannot be determined, price is regulated by law or a fixed price contract is not applicable, or (c) bids received are unreasonable or identical.
   (B)   Negotiations may be conducted if all the bids received through competitive sealed bidding exceed available funds;
   (C)   Non-competitive negotiations may be used where (a) an emergency exists, (b) there is only one supplier, (c) the contract is for the services of a licensed professional, (d) the contract is for the purchase of perishable items brought at frequent intervals, (e) the contract is for replacement parts where the need cannot be anticipated, (f) the contract is for proprietary items for resale, (g) the contract is for purchases on trips, (h) the contract is for purchase of supplies sold at auction, (I) the contract is for insurance, or (j) the contract is for supplies at reduced prices; or
   (D)   Small purchase procedures may be used where the aggregate amount of the contract is less than thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00)
(Am. Ord. O-2020-09, passed 8-24-20)