(A)   The proposed expenditures shall be itemized as set out in § 36.16 and each item shall be numbered in accordance with the account classification system of the city. Separate provisions shall be included in the budget for at least the following:
      (1)   Interest, amortization, and redemption charges on bonds outstanding;
      (2)   Other statutory expenditures;
      (3)   Any cash deficit of the current year (cash deficits are prohibited by Section 157b of the Kentucky Constitution; however, if a cash deficit does actually exist, this section shall apply);
      (4)   Administration, operation, and maintenance costs for each office, department, or agency of the city;
      (5)   Contingent expenses in an amount of not more than three percent (3%) of the total amount stated pursuant to division (A) (4) above; and
      (6)   Expenditures proposed for capital projects.
   (B)   In parallel columns opposite the several items of proposed expenditures, there shall be placed the amount of each item actually expended during the next preceding fiscal year, the total of the amount actually expended to the time of preparing the budget plus the expenditures for the remainder of the current fiscal year estimated as accurately as may be, and the amount of each item to be proposed to be appropriated for the budget year.
(Ord. 210.2, passed 12-8-80)