(A)   In addition to the sewage use rates and charges provided by § 52.50 of this code, and in addition to the costs and expenses charged for tapping into the sewage lines of the town, each lot desiring to connect to the following described lines of the town shall pay a connection fee prior to connection as follows.
      (1)   The connection fee shall be $2,500 for each lot which connects into the sewage lines of the town, which commences at the intersection of Catholic Street and Seventh Street in the town, and then continues south on the east side of Seventh Street 200 feet, more or less, to a manhole, thence west 200 feet, more of less, to a manhole, thence south along a utility easement 650 feet, more or less, along the west side of lots numbered one through and including lot numbered four of a platted subdivision commonly known as the Beyer Subdivision, to the northwest corner of lot numbered five in said subdivision.
      (2)   The connection fee shall be $1,700 for each lot connecting to a sewage line of the town which begins at a manhole on the south edge of School Street and the west edge of Third Street, thence north to the north side of School Street, thence west on the north side of School Street.
   (B)   In addition to the sewage use rates and charges provided by § 52.50 of this code, and in addition to the costs and expenses charged for tapping into the sewage lines of the town, there is hereby established a connection fee in the amount of $2,500 for each of the lots numbered five through and including eight in Beyers First Addition to the town, which is now connected to or which hereinafter connects into the sewage lines of the town, which connection fee shall be due and payable within 30 days following the passage of Ord. 88-9-1, or if one of said lots is already connected into the sewage lines at the time of the passage of Ord. 88-9-1, or if one of such lots is not already connected to the town sewage lines, then at the time of connection, whichever of the time periods is later, which fee may be paid in either of the following two manners:
      (1)   Two thousand five hundred dollars to the Sewage Clerk in cash at the time that said payment is due; or
      (2)   A minimum of $1,000 in cash at the time that said payment is due, and the remaining balance (the difference between $2,500 and the amount paid), to be paid in equal payments amortized over a 120-month period at a rate of 6%, an amortization schedule for which is attached to the ordinance codified in this section and marked Exhibit A and made a part hereof by reference. The first of said 120 monthly payments shall be due with and on the same day as the next regular monthly sewage payment for sewage use is due, provided, however, if said next first payment is due within the next 15 days, then such first payment will be due on the next payment with the next sewage payment which is due, and thereafter, each payment will be due and payable on the same date thereafter until the balance is paid. The owner of any lot electing this payment option may pay the balance in full on any payment date, by paying the present value of the remaining payments due and owing at a rate of 6% as is determined by 6% present value tables.
   (C)   (1)   In the event two or more residential lots, parcels of real estate, building, trailers, apartments or dwelling units discharging sanitary sewage, water or other liquids into the town’s sanitary sewerage system, either directly or indirectly, are users of waste and the quantity of water is measured by a single water meter, then, in such case, for billing purposes, the sewage rates and charges shall be based, either on the quantity of water used on the property or premises subject to such rates and charges, as the same is measured by said single water meter there in use and shown by consumption records of said water utility.
      (2)   Except that in no event shall the charge billed be less than the product of the number of such dwelling units served through the single water meter times the minimum charge for a single service. In the case of trailer parks, the number of dwelling units shall be interpreted as the maximum capacity for trailers in said park, plus any other dwelling units served through the meter. A dwelling unit shall be interpreted as a room or rooms or other living space or spaces in which cooking facilities are provided.
   (D)   In order that the single-family domestic and residential users of sewage service shall not be penalized for sprinkling lawns during the third quarter, the billing for sewage service for residences and/or domestic users for said months shall be based upon the water usage for the previous first quarter of the year. In the event the water usage for said previous first quarter is greater than the water usage for said summer quarter, then the billing for sewage services shall be computed on the actual water used in the quarter for which the sewage service bill is being rendered. Domestic and/or residential sewage service, as applicable to the sprinkling rate, shall apply to each lot, parcel of real estate or building which is occupied and used as a single family residence. Said sprinkling rate shall not apply to any premises which are partially or wholly used for commercial or industrial purposes. In the event a portion of such premises shall be used for commercial or industrial purposes, the owner shall have the privilege of separating the water served through a separate meter and in such case the water usage as registered by the water meter serving such portion of the premises used for residential purposes would qualify under the sprinkling rate.
   (E)   In the event a lot, parcel of real estate or building discharges sanitary sewage, industrial waste, water or other liquids into the town’s sanitary sewerage system, either directly or indirectly, and uses water in excess of 25,000 gallons per month, and it can be shown to the satisfaction of the town that a portion of water as measured by the water meter or meters does not and cannot enter the sanitary sewage system, then the owner or other interested party shall install and maintain meters, weirs, volumetric measuring devices or any adequate and approved method of measurement acceptable to the town for the determination of sewage discharge.
(Prior Code, § 10-2-1.1) (Ord. 148, passed 5-6-1977; Ord. 87-9-3, passed - -)