When a conditional use permit is required, the following uses shall be subject to their respective restrictions and conditions presented below, in addition to compliance with applicable district regulations.
   (a)   Adult entertainment uses. Adult book store, adult videotape store, adult motion picture theater, adult entertainment establishment:
      (1)   Such uses shall not be located within 1,000 feet of each other;
      (2)   No adult entertainment use shall be located within 1,000 feet of a residential residence, school, park, library, public building or place of worship;
      (3)   Advertisements, displays or other promotional materials depicting, describing or relating to sexual activities or anatomical areas shall not be visible from a public road;
      (4)   All doors, windows and other apertures shall be located, covered or screened in such a manner as to prevent viewing the interior of such an establishment from a public street or sidewalk; and
      (5)   In the event that the adult entertainment use is abandoned, it shall be required to obtain a new conditional use permit before it can be reestablished.
   (b)   Automotive service stations. Freestanding automotive service stations and other permitted uses that also provide for the sale of gasoline:
      (1)   Minimum lot size shall be 7,500 square feet; and
      (2)   A site plan shall be filed with the application showing the location of all buildings, tanks, service pumps and driveways, together with all measurements necessary to show compliance with the following standards:
         A.   Service pumps shall not be located within 25 feet of any building occupied as a residence or for church, school or other institutional purposes; and
         B.   Service pumps shall not be located within 15 feet of the right-of-way line of any street.
   (c)   Automobile salvage, outdoor storage and junk yards. May not be located nearer than 200 feet to any residential zone; must be enclosed by a solid fence at least eight feet in height; no advertisement shall be permitted thereon and must be kept in good order and repair at all times.
   (d)   Bed and breakfasts. When three or more rooms are offered per night for public accommodation, the establishment shall be owner-occupied and refuse collection and storage areas shall be screened and should be accessible by trucks, yet located where they will not disturb adjacent properties.
   (e)   Child care center. The County Health Department shall approve the proposed plans; the use shall not constitute a nuisance because of traffic, number of children being cared for, noise or types of physical activity.
   (f)   Home occupations.
      (1)   Home occupations shall occupy less than 50% of the total floor area of the dwelling unit and in no event occupy more than 700 square feet of floor area.
      (2)   Home occupations shall only be permitted to sell on the premises articles incidental to the home occupation. There shall be no exterior displays nor shall any materials or products be stored outside of a principal or accessory building.
      (3)   No home occupation is permitted to produce offensive noise, vibration, dust, odors, heat, glare or other objectionable effects.
   (g)   Manufactured home rental community. The standards shall comply with the standards of the zoning district and the mobile home park regulations of the State Board of Health.
(Ord. 95-04, passed 8-29-1995)