Maximum height | |
Accessory structure | 15 feet |
Principal building | 35 feet |
Lot requirements | |
Maximum lot coverage | 30% |
Minimum lot area per unit | 7,500 square feet |
Minimum lot width | 60 feet |
Minimum total lot area | 7,500 square feet |
Minimum yard requirements - principal building | |
Front yard | 30 feet |
Rear yard | 40 feet |
Side yards - each side | 10 feet |
Minimum yard requirements - accessory structure | |
Rear yard - abutting street | 5 feet |
Abutting an adjacent property line | 10 feet |
Side yards - each | 10 feet |
When a new dwelling is located on a lot, the face of the dwelling shall face the main street associated with the lot on which the dwelling is located. In the event the dwelling is located on a corner lot where two streets converge the house may face either street; variances to this will be considered by the Zoning Board | |
(Ord. 95-04, passed 8-29-1995; Ord. passed 9-1-1998)