(a)   Seating arrangement. Members of Council shall occupy the seats in the Council Chamber around the Council table as designated by the Mayor.
   (b)   Conduct during debate. When recognized by the chair, a member of Council shall confine himself or herself to the question under debate, avoid personalities and refrain from impugning the motives of any other member’s argument or vote.
   (c)   Appeal to Council from ruling of presiding officer. Any member may appeal to Council from a ruling of the presiding officer. If the appeal is seconded, the member making the appeal may briefly state his or her reason for the same, and the presiding officer may briefly explain his or her ruling; but there shall be no debate on the appeal and no other member shall participate in the discussion. The presiding officer shall then put the question: “Shall the decision of the chair be sustained?” If a majority of the members present vote “aye”, the ruling of the chair is sustained; otherwise, it is overruled.
   (d)   Limitation of debate. No member of Council shall be allowed to speak more than once upon any one subject until every other member choosing to speak thereon shall have spoken.
   (e)   Voting. Every member of Council present when a question is put shall vote either “yes” or “no”; provided, that if any member of Council does not desire to vote on any question, he or she may be shown on the record as having “abstained”. The record shall show whenever the vote is unanimous. In all other cases, the vote shall be called and recorded. No member shall vote on any matter in which he or she has a personal interest other than as a taxpayer of the city.
   (f)   Questions of personal privilege. The right of a member to address Council on a question of personal privilege shall be limited to cases in which his or her integrity, character or motives are assailed, questioned or impugned.
   (g)   Recording of dissents or protests. Any member of Council shall have the right to express dissent from or protest against any ordinance, resolution or other action of Council and have the reason therefor entered upon the minutes. Such dissent or protest shall be filed in writing couched in respectful language, and presented to Council not later than the next regular meeting following the date of passage of the ordinance, resolution or other action objected to.
   (h)   Leaving Council Chamber during meeting. No member of Council may leave the Council Chamber while in regular session without permission from the presiding officer.