(a)   No person shall intentionally breathe, inhale, or drink any compound, liquid or chemical containing acetone, amylacetate, benzol or benzene, butyl acetate, butyl alcohol, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, cyclohexanone, ethanol or ethyl alcohol, ethyl acetate, hexane, isopropanol or isopropyl alcohol, isopropyl acetate, methyl “cellosolve” acetate, methyl ethyl ketone, methyl isobutyl ketone, toluol or toluene, trichloroethylene, tricresyl phosphate, xylol or xylene, or any other solvent, material substance, chemical or combination thereof, having the property or releasing toxic vapors for the purpose of inducing a condition of intoxication, stupefaction, depression, giddiness, paralysis or irrational behavior or in any manner changing, distorting or disturbing the auditory, visual or mental processes. For the purposes of this section, any condition so induced shall be deemed to be an intoxicated condition.
   (b)   This section does not apply to:
      (1)   Any person who commits any act described herein pursuant to the direction or prescription of a licensed physician or dentist authorized to so direct or prescribe, including the inhalation of anesthesia for medical or dental purposes; or
      (2)   To any alcoholic liquor or nonintoxicating beer as defined in W.Va. Code § 60-1-5.
(Ord. passed 10-16-2018)