The Mayor shall be the chief executive officer of said City and shall take care that the orders, bylaws, ordinances and resolutions of the Council thereof, are faithfully executed. He shall be a conservator of the peace within such City, and shall within the same have, possess, and may exercise, all the powers and perform all of the duties, whether civil or criminal vested by law in a justice of the peace. Any summons, warrant or other proceedings issued by him may be executed at any place within the County. He shall have control of the police of the City, and may appoint special police officers whenever he deems it necessary; it shall be his duty especially to see that the peace and good order of the City are preserved, and that persons and property therein are protected; and to this end he may arrest and detain or cause the arrest and detention of all riotous and disorderly persons before taking other proceedings in the case. He shall, from time to time, recommend to the Council such measures as he may deem needful for the welfare of the City. He shall not receive any money due or belonging to the State, or to corporations, or to individuals, unless and until he shall be given the bond and security required of a justice of the peace West Virginia Code Chapter 50, and all of the provisions of said chapter relating to moneys received by a justice, shall apply in like manner to him.