When hereafter directed by Council to do so, the Park and Recreation Board, above created, shall have the power to take all steps and proceedings, and to enter into and make all contracts or agreements necessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and the execution of its powers under this section, provided that any contract relating to the financing, or the acquisition, construction, extension or improvement of the gymnasium, youth center, North Philippi Park and Dayton Park, or any trust indenture herein provided for shall be approved by Council. The Commission may employ engineers, architects, inspectors, superintendents, managers, collectors, attorneys and such other employees as in its judgment may be necessary in the execution of its powers and duties, and may fix their compensation, all of whom shall do such work as the Commission may direct. All such compensation and expense incurred in carrying out the provisions of this section shall be paid solely from funds provided under the authority of this article, and the Commission shall not exercise or carry out any authority or power herein given if so as to bind the Commission or the municipality beyond the extent at which may have been, or may be, provided under the authority of this article. The Commission shall operate, manage and control the recreation facilities and in connection therewith shall manage, operate and control all activities and may order and complete any extensions, betterments and improvements to the facilities that the Commission deems expedient, if funds therefor are available, or are made available, as provided in this article, and shall establish rules, regulations for the use and operation of the works, and all things necessary or expedient for the successful operation thereof.
(Ord. passed 2-17-1982)