§ 1747.02 AMENDMENTS.
   The following sections are hereby revised:
   Section 101.1. Insert: City of Philippi
   Section 103.5. Insert: FEES FOR PERMITS
The following fees shall be charged for permits to demolish, erect, reconstruct, repair, remodel, improve, or structurally alter any building or addition, or property within the city:
Estimated Cost of Project
$0 to $50
$51 to $500
$501 to $1,000
Each additional $1 over $1,000
$ 0.005
Section 112.4: Is hereby amended to provide for a fine of not less than $100 and not more than $500, per incident of non-compliance.
Section 302.4: Is hereby amended to prohibit weeds or plant growth in excess of 12 inches in height.
Section 304.14: Is hereby amended to provide for enforcement of the provision as set forth therein between the dates of April 15 to October 1.
Section 602.3: Is hereby amended to provide for enforcement of the provision as set forth therein between the dates of October 1 April 1.
Section 602.4. Is hereby amended to provide for enforcement of the provision as set forth therein between the dates of October 1 April 1.
(Ord. passed 8-18-2020)