(a)   Whoever shall use any fire engine, hose, cart or any other apparatus belonging to the city for any private purpose, other than the extinguishment of fires, or whoever shall remove the same or any part thereof from its place of deposit, or having control thereof, shall permit such engine, hose, cart or other apparatus to be used for any private purpose other than aforesaid, shall be fined not more than $200, or another such amount set by Council from time to time, for each offense.
   (b)   Whoever shall willfully or negligently break, deface, or in any manner injure any fire engine, hose equipment or other fire apparatus belonging to the city or shall remove any screw, bolt, nut or any part of such engine or other fire apparatus or in any manner interfere with the same when being used by the proper person or authority, shall upon conviction be fined not less than$200, or another such amount as set by Council from time to time.