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§ 14-2102.  Definitions.
   (1)   In this Chapter the following definitions apply:
      (a)   Subdivision.
         (.1)   A division of any part, parcel, or area of land by the owner or his agent, into lots or parcels three or more in number for the purpose of conveyance, transfer, improvement, or sale with or without appurtenant roads, streets, lanes, driveways, and ways dedicated or intended to be dedicated to public use, or the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting thereon. A subdivision includes division of a parcel of land having frontage on an existing improved street into 3 or more lots, one or more of which have frontage on the existing street;
         (.2)   Any development of a parcel of land which involves installation of streets and driveways whether or not dedicated and whether or not the parcel is divided for the purpose of immediate conveyance, transfer or sale;
         (.3)   The term subdivision includes re-subdivision and, as appropriate, shall refer to the process of subdividing land or to the land so subdivided.
      (b)   Block. An area bounded by streets.
      (c)   Cartway. The portion of a street for vehicular use.
      (d)   Commission. The City Planning Commission.
      (e)   Driveway. A minor vehicular right-of-way providing secondary access to the side or rear of 3 or more lots, parcel, or properties.
      (f)   Easement. A right granted for the purpose of limited public of quasi-public uses across private land.
      (g)   Final Plat. A complete and exact subdivision plan, prepared in form for official recording, to define property lines, proposed streets, and other improvements.
      (h)   Interior Walk. A right-of-way for pedestrian use extending from a street into a block or across a block to another street.
      (i)   Lot. A plot or parcel of land which is, or in the future may be, offered for sale, conveyance, transfer, or improvement.
      (j)   Multiple Dwelling. A single building providing separate living quarters for three or more families.
      (k)   Physical Development Plan of the City. A comprehensive plan for the City showing its present and planned physical development drawn pursuant to § 4-600 of the Charter.
      (l)   Plot Plan. A plan prepared primarily for title purposes which shows the location, dimensions, and bearings of parcels of ground.
      (m)   Preliminary Plat. A tentative subdivision layout, showing approximate proposed street and lot layout as a basis for consideration prior to preparation of a Final Plat.
      (n)   Property Data Map. A map showing all existing and planned conditions affecting the property to be subdivided, required prior to the submission of an application for subdivision approval.
      (o)   Reverse Frontage Lot. A lot extending between and having frontage on a major street or highway and a residential street, with vehicular access solely from the latter.
      (p)   Right-of-way. Land reserved for use as a street, interior walk, or for other public purpose.
      (q)   Set-back or Building Line. The line within a property defining the required minimum distance between any structure and the adjacent right-of-way as defined and restricted in Chapters 14-100 to 14-1800.
      (r)   Sight Distance. The maximum distance of unobstructed vision (in a horizontal or vertical plane) along a street from a vehicle located at any given point on the street.
      (s)   Street. A strip of land, including the entire right-of-way, whether dedicated or not, intended for use as a means of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Street shall be deemed to include avenue, boulevard, court, expressway, highway, lane, road, and the like. Streets may be further subdivided as follows:
         (.1)   A major highway is a street used primarily for traffic not local in destination;
         (.2)   A major street is a street which carries traffic, generally local, to or from the system of major highways or which serves as main circulation for a large area;
         (.3)   A primary residential street is a street which serves the prime function of collecting or distributing intracommunity residential traffic;
         (.4)   A secondary residential street is a street which is used primarily for residential access;
         (.5)   A tertiary residential street is a street which provides access to homes on lots in excess of 20,000 square feet, having 100 feet frontage at the building line, and having no house or garage located within 50 feet of such right-of-way; or one which serves not more than 6 lots or parcels;
         (.6)   A marginal access street is a minor street, parallel and adjacent to a major street or major highway, providing access to abutting properties and controlling the location of intersections with such major street or highway;
         (.7)   A cul-de-sac street is a minor street having but one vehicular access to another street and terminated by a paved vehicular turn-around.
      (t)   Subdivider. The owner, equitable owner, or authorized agent of the owner or equitable owner of a property subdivided.