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§ 14-1702.  Duties and Powers of Department of Licenses and Inspections.
   (1)   The duty and power to administer and to enforce the provisions of Chapters 14-100 through 14-2000 of this Title is hereby vested in the Department of Licenses and Inspections, which in this Chapter and in Chapter 14-1800 shall be called "The Department".
   (2)   The Department shall maintain a map or maps showing the current zoning classifications of all land in the City.
   (3)   The Department shall maintain a current register of all non-conforming uses as specified in § 14-104(13)(b).
   (4)   The Department shall not issue any building permit required under The Philadelphia Code until zoning permits and use registration permits required under this Title have been issued.
   (5)   A use registration permit shall be required for every new use commenced on any land or in any structure except for use as a single family dwelling or place of worship.
   (6)   The Department shall issue a Zoning or Use Registration Permit upon the granting of a Zoning Board of Adjustment Certificate when all the other applicable provisions of this Title have been met.
   (7)   No permit, certificate, license or document relating to the use of property which is subject to the provisions of Chapters 14-100 through 14-2000 of this Title shall be issued by any other department, agency or board of the City until the Department shall have certified that the use to be made of the property is in full compliance with the provisions of this Title.
   (8)   Upon application, the Department shall certify to the district classifications of any property and the current zoning status of said property as shown by the official maps and records of the Department.