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§ 14-1303.  Additional Floor Area.
   (1)   Buildings Facing a Street More than Sixty (60) Feet in Width. Where a building faces upon a street which is more than sixty (60) feet in width, the gross floor area of the building may be increased by five percent (5%) of the area of the lot for each one (1) foot of width of the street over sixty (60) feet; provided, that where a building faces two (2) or more streets, it shall receive additional gross floor area for the width of the widest street, and that street only.
   (2)   Buildings Constructed Back from Street Lines. Where a building or any portion thereof is constructed back, at ground level, at least ten (10) feet from the street line of any street there shall be permitted fifteen (15) square feet of additional gross floor area for each square foot between the street line and the building (including areas of yards); provided:
      (.a)   That this space may consist of enclosed public open space;
      (.b)   That the foregoing shall not apply to any area which lies further from the street line than fifty percent (50%) of the depth of the lot.
   (3)   Buildings Constructed Away from Rear Lot Line, Not a Street Line. Where a building or any portion thereof is constructed away, at ground level, from a rear lot line not a street line, there shall be permitted ten (10) square feet of additional gross floor area for each square foot between the rear lot line and the building (including areas of yards); provided:
      (.a)   That this space may consist of enclosed public open space;
      (.b)   That the foregoing shall not apply to any area which lies further from the rear lot line than fifty percent (50%) of the depth of the lot.
   (4)   Buildings Constructed With Open Arcades. Where a building or any portion thereof is constructed so that the ground level is an open arcade of at least ten (10) feet in unobstructed width which abuts the sidewalk and is open to public use during the hours which the building is open to the public, there shall be permitted seven and five- tenths (7.5) square feet of additional gross floor area for each square foot in said arcade; provided:
      (.a)   That this subparagraph shall also apply to buildings cantilevered to produce an effect similar to an arcade at least ten (10) feet in unobstructed width;
      (.b)   That the arcade abut and be parallel to a public sidewalk, or provide through access between the sidewalk and the arcade of an abutting building, another public sidewalk or enclosed public open space;
      (.c)   That the arcade be at the same grade or level as the sidewalk it abuts; and shall not be separated from the sidewalk by any steps or other grade changes which serve as a barrier to its use by the public and which is located between the outward edge of the arcade, and the building;
      (.d)   That at least seventy percent (70%) of the arcade where it abuts an open area or sidewalk and within ten (10) feet of the open area or sidewalk contain no structures or fixtures of any kind including fences, seats, ballards, or planter boxes which impede pedestrian access to the arcade;
      (.e)   That within the arcaded space, building support columns occupy no more than thirty percent (30%) of the arcade area or where it abuts the sidewalk, columns shall not make up more than thirty percent (30%) of the surface area of the arcade measured between the sidewalk and the roof of the arcade;
      (.f)   That the arcade abut or provide access to at least one (1) of the following: retail space, building entrances, or enclosed public open space;
      (.g)   That this bonus shall not be given for portions of an arcade used for vehicular access to parking areas, loading docks, or driveways.
   (5)   Open Areas Separated from a Street Line by an Open Arcade. Where a building or any portion thereof is constructed back, at ground level, at least ten (10) feet from a street line, to create a continuous open area which is separated from the street line only by an open arcade, there shall be permitted fifteen (15) square feet of additional gross floor area for each square foot of such open area where said street line is of a street which is fifty (50) feet or more in width, or 396 ten (10) square feet of additional gross floor area for each square foot of such open area where said street line is of a street which is less than fifty (50) feet in width, subject to the following provisions:
      (.a)   The foregoing shall not apply to any area which lies further from the street line than fifty percent (50%) of the depth of the lot;
      (.b)   "Continuous open area" as used in this subparagraph shall mean an open area or enclosed public open space which is unobstructed (except for passage through the open arcade) in a straight line from the building to the street line;
      (.c)   The additional gross floor area permitted for the area within said open arcade itself shall in all cases be governed by subparagraph (4)(.a) through (.g) above.
   (6)   Other Open Areas Provided at Ground Level. Where a building or any portion thereof is constructed so as to provide open areas at ground level other than those described in subparagraph (1) through (5) above and not adjacent to a street line, there shall be permitted five (5) square feet of additional gross floor area for each square foot of said open area; provided, that this space may consist of enclosed public open space.
   (7)   Buildings Constructed Away from any Lot Line Above Ground Level Along Streets Less than Fifty (50) Feet in Width. Where a building or any portion thereof is constructed away from any lot line (whether or not said lot line is also a street line) at any height above ground level but not higher than forty (40) feet, there shall be permitted five (5) square feet of additional gross floor area for each square foot between the lot line and the building; provided:
      (.a)   That where a building or any portion thereof is constructed away from a lot line at successive distances at different levels, the computation of permitted additional gross floor area shall be made for each level, beginning at the ground level, and not including, in each case, areas between the building and the lot line which have already been used in computing permitted additional gross floor area at another level;
      (.b)   Along streets with more restrictive cornice height limitations the most restrictive limit shall apply;
      (.c)   For buildings with more than one (1) street frontage the narrower street width shall control the cornice height at the building line and the height can be increased to that of the wider street along forty-five (45) degree recession plane.
   (8)   Buildings Constructed Away from any Lot Line Above Ground Level Along Streets Fifty (50) Feet or More in Width. Where a building or any portion thereof is constructed away from any lot line (whether or not said lot line is also a street line) at any height above ground level but not higher than the width of the street, there shall be permitted five (5) square feet of additional gross floor area for each square foot between the lot line and the building; provided:
      (.a)   That where a building or any portion thereof is constructed away from a lot line at successive distances at different levels, the computation of permitted additional gross floor area shall be made for each level, beginning at the ground level, and not including, in each case, areas between the building and the lot line which have already been used in computing permitted additional gross floor area at another level;
      (.b)   Along streets with more restrictive cornice height limitations the most restrictive limit shall apply;
      (.c)   For buildings with more than one (1) street frontage the narrower street width shall control the cornice height at the building line and the height can be increased to that of the wider street along a forty-five (45) degree recession plane.
   (9)   Retail Space. In any building where retail commercial space is a permitted use and so long as this floor area does not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total gross floor area of the building, this space shall not be deducted from the total allowable gross floor area of the building, provided that space used for Business or Professional Offices, personal services or treatment of patients shall not be considered as retail space for purposes of this Section.
   (10)   Areas Used or Intended to be Used for Parking, Loading or Trash Storage. Any area used or intended to be used for parking, loading, trash storage or vehicular access to parking, loading, or trash storage purposes shall not be included as permitting additional gross floor area under the provisions of subparagraphs (2) through (9) above.



   Enrolled Bill No. 704 read "of".