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§ 14-902.  Definitions.
   The following definitions shall apply to this Chapter:
   (1)   Alter or Alteration. A change in the appearance of a building, structure or site, or any other change for which a permit is required under The Philadelphia Code, including demolition.
   (2)   Building. A structure, its site and appurtenances created to shelter any form of human activity.
   (3)   Construct or Construction. The erection of a new building or structure.
   (4)   Demolition. Razing or destruction of an entire building or structure.
   (5)   Department. The Department of Licenses and Inspections. 383
   (6)   Design. Exterior features including mass, height, appearance and the texture, color, nature and composition of materials.
   (7)   Historical Commission. The Philadelphia Historical Commission.
   (8)   NCD. A Neighborhood Conservation District created under this Chapter.
   (9)   Planning Commission. The City Planning Commission.



   Subsection 14-1202(4) and subsequent subsections of Bill No. 040156 were renumbered by Code editor, as Bill No. 040156 contained two subsections numbered (4).