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§ 14-703.2.  Passive Recreation District (REC-P). 380
   (1)   Use Regulations. The specific uses permitted in this district shall be the erection, construction, alteration or use of buildings and/or land for passive recreational uses, including walkways and trails, community gardens, and sitting areas. Passive recreational uses shall not include organized athletic activities, team sports, or facilities.
      (a)   Restrooms for park users shall be permitted, so long as they comply with Area and Height Regulations.
      (b)   Informational and education kiosks shall be permitted.
      (c)   No lighting other than as necessary for security shall be permitted.
   (2)   Area and Height Regulations.
      (a)   Where a REC-P District is in the same block with any other district, said District shall comply with the area and height regulations of the most restrictive district which abuts upon said Passive Recreation District.
      (b)   No building or structure that occupies more than six hundred square feet in land area shall be erected within this district.
   (3)   Hours of Operation. No parkland located in a REC-P District shall be open to the public after sunset or before sunrise. Gates to the park, prohibiting entrance, shall be locked when the park is not open to the public.
   (4)   Roadways. Roadways shall be constructed using Stormwater Best Management Practices.
   (5)   Trails. Trails shall be constructed of crushed aggregate material in order to preserve the natural atmosphere of the park as much as possible. In cases where topography requires the paving of the trail, paving shall be conducted in a manner to have the least practical impact upon the natural environment.



   Added, Bill No. 070397 (approved September 20, 2007); amended, Bill No. 100161 (approved April 28, 2010).