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§ 14-307.  "OC" Office-Commercial District.
   (1)   Use Regulations. The specific uses permitted in this district shall be the erection, construction, alteration, or use of buildings and/or land for the following uses, to be conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building:
      (a)   Business or professional office or agency, financial institution, radio or television studio; radio or television transmission tower shall be permitted only if a Zoning Board of Adjustment Certificate is obtained;
      (b)   Day care, except in the Sixth and Tenth Councilmanic Districts; 244
      (c)   Instruction in music, arts or sciences;
      (d)   Laboratories (analytical, chemical, and research) and assay offices;
      (e)   Personal service or treatment of patients;
      (f)   Detached multiple dwellings;
      (g)   Accessory uses, customarily incidental to any of the above permitted uses; provided, that the accessory use does not occupy more than 25% of the gross floor area, and does not include open air storage of materials, equipment or merchandise.
   (2)   Area Regulations.
      (a)   Lot Width and Area. The minimum lot width shall be 100 feet, and the minimum lot area shall be 10,000 square feet.
      (b)   Occupied Area. Not more than 50% of the lot area shall be occupied by buildings.
      (c)   Open Area. The open area shall be not less than 50% of the lot area and shall consist of at least the required minimum front and rear yards in all cases, plus such other side yards or open courts as shall be required to equal an area not less than the total open area above required.
      (d)   Building Set-back Line. The building set-back line shall be 20 feet from all street lines. 245
      (e)   Front Yards. The minimum depth of a front yard shall be the depth required between the street line and the building set-back line, as herein specified.
      (f)   Side Yards and Open Courts. When side yards or open courts are used, except open courts between wings of the same building, they shall have a minimum width of 12 feet, subject to the following provisions:
         (.1)   Any multiple dwelling erected in this district shall have two side yards, each of which shall be not less than 12 feet in width;
         (.2)   In no case shall any building be erected closer than 35 feet to any Residential District; provided, that any building used solely as a multiple dwelling shall have a side yard of 12 feet.
      (g)   Open Courts Between Wings of the Same Building. Open courts between wings of the same building shall be not less than 12 feet in minimum width; except in the case of courts between wings of multiple dwellings which shall be determined by the following requirements:
         (.1)   For buildings of three stories or less and not in excess of thirty- five feet high, the minimum width shall be not less than the length or depth of such court;
         (.2)   For buildings over three stories or over thirty-five feet in height, whichever is less, the minimum width shall be not less than the length or depth of such court plus one-third of that portion of the height of the building over three stories or thirty-five feet.
      (h)   Inner Courts. The least dimension of an inner court shall be eight feet, and shall contain a minimum area of 100 square feet, except in the case of such courts in multiple dwellings, the dimensions of which shall be equal to the height of the higher wall between which each dimension of the court is being measured.
      (i)   Rear Yard. In no case shall any building be erected closer than 35 feet to any Residential District; provided, that any building used solely as a multiple dwelling shall have a rear yard of 12 feet.
   (3)   Height Regulations. There shall be no height regulations except as height may be limited by the other applicable provisions of this district.
   (4)   Floor Area. No building in this district shall have a gross floor area greater than 150% of the area of the lot.
   (5)   Off-street Loading. Off-street loading spaces shall be provided in accordance with § 14-1405 of this Title.
   (6)   Off-street Parking.
      (a)   Buildings and Portions of Buildings Not Used for Dwelling. With every 600 square feet of gross floor area not used for dwellings erected in this district there shall be provided one off-street parking space in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 14-1400 of this Title, which shall be located behind the building set-back line.
      (b)   Dwellings. With every dwelling erected in this district there shall be provided one off-street parking space for each family in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 14-1400 of this Title.
   (7)   Signs. Signs shall be permitted in this district only under the following conditions:
      (a)   Signs shall not exceed a total area of 50 square feet upon any street line frontage;
      (b)   Signs which are free-standing structures on the ground shall not exceed 20 feet in height, measured from the average level of the ground of the lot to the top of said structure;
      (c)   Signs may be animated or illuminated; provided, that the illumination shall be focused upon the sign itself so as to prevent glare upon the surrounding areas;
      (d)   Signs with flashing or intermittent illumination shall not be erected within 150 feet of any Residential District, nor facing any Residential District within 300 feet of the sign;
      (e)   Signs which revolve shall be prohibited;
      (f)   Any revolving device which causes intermittent flashes of light to be projected shall be prohibited.



   Added and subsequent subsections renumbered, Bill No. 060582-A (became law December 7, 2006).
   Amended, 1970 Ordinances, p. 512.