§ 50.17 TAP FEES.
   (A)   Tap fee within corporate limits. For each new water connection to premises within the corporate limits, the tap fee shall be $25.
   (B)   Tap fee, outside corporate limits. For each new water connection to premises outside the corporate limits, the tap fee shall be such amount as the Utility Superintendent shall determine based on the cost of pipe and fittings.
   (C)   Tap fee; service rendered for. The village shall furnish the material only to tap the commercial main. All other expenses to bring in water service into and upon premises shall be borne by the applicant. The curb stop valve shall be located eight feet inside the curb line. The applicant shall furnish a freeze proof meter pit constructed in accordance with the specifications of the Utility Superintendent, unless by agreement of the applicant and the Utility Superintendent, the meter is placed in the basement of the premises.
(Ord. 2021-1, passed 1-5-2021)