(A)   It shall be the duty of each and every owner of any lot or parcel of ground bordering on any street or alley within the city to keep the sidewalk in front of or abutting on the lot or parcel of ground in good repair.
   (B)   If the owner, his agent, or the occupant of the real estate or parcel of ground fails to repair the sidewalk within 20 days after having been notified in writing so to do, or if the whereabouts of the owner or occupant be unknown, after publication for two weeks consecutively in a newspaper published in the city, the city may, by its proper officers and agents, repair the sidewalk, and the cost thereof shall be reported to the Clerk-Treasurer. The Clerk-Treasurer shall place the same on the tax duplicate of the city against the owner of the real estate, and the sum shall be a lien against the real estate to the same extent that taxes are a lien, and shall be collected in the same way that street assessments are collected to reimburse the city for the expenses aforesaid.
(Penal Ord. of 1917)