(A)   For the purpose of establishing numbers and numbering the houses, the city shall be divided into four sections, to be divided by Broadway and Main Streets.
   (B)   All building places fronting on streets running east and west, and the houses situated thereon, shall be numbered each way from Broadway Street, commencing with number one and two.
   (C)   All building places fronting on streets running north and south, and the houses situated thereon, shall be numbered each way from Main Street, commencing with number one and two.
   (D)   There shall be one number established for every 1/2 lot in a residence district and every 22 feet in a business district. Half numbers shall be established for second floors. One number shall be established for every ll feet remaining over in any square or part of a square, but there shall be not more than 50 numbers reserved to each square, so that the second square each way from Broadway and Main Streets shall commence with Nos. 51 and 52 on their respective sides, and the third square with Nos. 101 and 102, and in like manner as far as the city now extends or may hereafter extend.
(Penal Ord. of 1917)