§ 33.075 ATTENDANCE.
   (A)   Being at work on time every day is important. Your coworkers depend on you. The city realizes that occasional absences are unavoidable. However, excessive absenteeism or tardiness creates a hardship for your coworkers, who must do your job as well as their own. Because of this, frequent and unapproved absences and excessive tardiness can be cause for disciplinary action or dismissal.
      (1)   In the event you are absent, it is critical that you provide as much notice as possible.
      (2)   You must contact your immediate supervisor before the start of your scheduled work time to report an absence or extended time away from the office. This procedure holds for every day of absence, unless you are on an approved leave of absence.
      (3)   If you are going to be late for work, you must contact your immediate supervisor before the start of your scheduled work time.
      (4)   A no call or no show will be cause for disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.
      (5)   If you are absent for three or more consecutive workdays, we may require you to provide acceptable medical or other documentation to support your absence.
   (B)   Within the Police and Fire departments, an employee’s immediate supervisor is responsible for contacting the Chief of Police or Fire, or their respective designees, to report absences within their team.
   (C)   We reserve the right to address the issue of chronic absenteeism or tardiness by accelerating the disciplinary process, up to and including termination.
(Ord. 19, 2015, passed 5-4-15)