11.60.030: FINDINGS OF FACT:
The board of Pershing County commissioners, a political subdivision of the state of Nevada, finds as follows:
   A.   The government of the United States of America exercises control over two million one hundred thousand (2,100,000) acres (81 percent) of the land and the majority of natural resources within the geographic boundaries of Pershing County;
   B.   Decisions governing federal lands in Pershing County have a direct impact on the interrelated heritage of cultural, environmental and economic well being and stability of county residents;
   C.   The interest of the citizens of Pershing County is best served when government is conducted as close to the people as possible;
   D.   Authority to management of natural resources located on state and federal lands within the geographic boundaries of Pershing County should be vested in the board of Pershing County commissioners. (Ord. 262, 2009)