11.40.030: FINDINGS OF FACT:
The board of commissioners of Pershing County, a political subdivision of the state of Nevada, finds as follows:
   A.   The government of the United States of America exercises control over two million one hundred thousand (2,100,000) acres (81 percent) of the land and the majority of natural resources within the geographic boundaries of Pershing County;
   B.   Decisions governing federal lands in Pershing County have a history of negative impact on the interrelated heritage of cultural, environmental and economic well being and stability of county residents;
   C.   The congress of the United States has expressed intent, codified in 42 USC 4331, to act in cooperation with county governments while using all practicable means to create and maintain conditions on federal lands allowing for productive harmony between man and nature while fulfilling the social, economic, environmental and cultural requirements of present and future generations;
   D.   The efforts of congress seeking to coordinate federal plans with county government, maintaining a balance between population and resources, and encouraging high standards of living and a wide sharing of life's amenities, as contemplated by 42 USC 4331(b)(5), can be enhanced by:
      1.   Increasing cooperation between Pershing County, state of Nevada, and those federal officials involved with the administration of federal lands situated within the county; and
      2.   Full consideration by the federal government of the needs of Pershing County citizens who will be directly or indirectly impacted by federal agency decisions regarding the use of federal lands and the management of water, fish and wildlife in Nevada;
   E.   There now exists a substantial and urgent need to increase the involvement of Pershing County in the management of federal lands and in the development of criteria that are meaningful in any decision making process, as contemplated by 43 CFR sections 1610.3-1(a), 1610.3-1(b), 1620.3-2(a); 36 CFR chapter II, sections 219.7(a), 219.7(c), 219.7(d). (Ord. 262, 2009)