11.30.030: DEFINITIONS:
The following definitions apply to this chapter:
ANIMAL UNIT MONTH: A measure of forage consumption. The forage necessary to support one cow and her calf, one horse or five (5) sheep for one month. Often abbreviated as AUM.
COMPENSABLE PROPERTY RIGHT: Any type of right to specific property, personal or real, tangible or intangible, which, when reduced or taken for public purpose, is due just compensation under the fifth amendment of the U.S. constitution.
CUSTOMARY USAGE RIGHT: A right based in custom, usage or practice of the people, which by common adoption and acquiescence, and by long and unvarying habit, has become compulsory, and has acquired the force of law with respect to the place or subject matter to which it relates.
FEDERAL LANDS: All land and associated natural resources owned and managed by the United States. Federal lands include, but are not limited to, public lands, federally reserved lands, federal mineral leases, federal geothermal leases, federal forage leases and federally reserved water rights, federal rights of way, but categorically exempted are lands or resources to which private interest or title is attached.
MULTIPLE USE: Balanced and diversified management of public lands and their various public resources to best meet present and future economic and environmental needs of the American people.
NATURAL RESOURCES: All renewable and nonrenewable material in its native state which when extracted has economic value. Natural resources may be of commercial or noncommercial nature, including, but not limited to, forage, timber, minerals, wildlife, recreational opportunities, fishing, unappropriated streams, springs, seeps and wetlands, ground water, geothermal reservoirs, oil and gas and all other similar resources.
PEER REVIEW: Evaluation of the scientific quality and pertinence of research by other experts in the same field. Peer review is used by editors in deciding whether submissions meet standards for publication in scientific journals.
PRIVATE PROPERTY: As protected from being taken for public uses. Property that belongs absolutely to an individual, and of which he has the exclusive right of disposition.
PUBLIC LANDS: Lands open to sale or other disposition under the general land laws to which no claims or rights of others have attached. (Ord. 262, 2009)