The board of Pershing County commissioners hereby designates all unpaved county highways and portions thereof with a posted speed limit of thirty five (35) miles an hour or less within the unincorporated areas of Pershing County for the operation and use of OHVs for the purpose of allowing said vehicles to reach a private or public area that is open for use by OHVs. In addition, Pershing County, in accordance with Nevada Revised Statutes 490.100, hereby designates all of the state highways or portions thereof within the unincorporated areas of Pershing County, designated now or designated in the future by the Nevada department of transportation, for the use and operation of OHVs. None of the highways designated above for operation of OHVs are intended to include any portion of an interstate highway. The owner or operator of an OHV on properly designated paved highways within the unincorporated areas of Pershing County must comply with all of the applicable traffic laws of the state of Nevada and of Pershing County. All drivers operating an OHV on a public road or highway shall be sixteen (16) years of age or older and have a valid driver's license. The OHV which is operated on a public road or highway shall have proof of registration and vehicle insurance. (Ord. 301, 2013)