6.10.020: PURPOSE:
While the Nevada Revised Statutes 1 generally create a "fence out" requirement for private property, under Nevada Revised Statutes 568.225, a person, who negligently or wilfully interferes with the grazing preference right of another person, is guilty of a misdemeanor offense. The board hereby declares and finds that such grazing interferes with and impedes the grazing right holder's ability to graze his cattle on the allotted land. The purpose of this chapter is to provide warning to livestock owners that if they have property which abuts public property managed by the BLM or any base property as set forth in Nevada Revised Statutes 568.225, the person, prior to allowing the livestock to graze, must take precautions to prevent the livestock from grazing on the public property or the base property as defined by the statute. This chapter also regulates the fencing required for exotic fencing. (Ord. 290, 2012)



1. NRS ch. 569.