(a)   Each peddler or solicitor shall, prior to the time of commencement of solicitation furnish the Division of Police with the following information on forms provided by the City:
      (1)   Name and date of birth of applicant.
      (2)   Complete permanent and local address of applicant.
      (3)   Name and address of the person, firm, corporation or association for whom the solicitation is being made.
      (4)   A description of the nature of the business and the goods, services or wares to be sold or otherwise sufficient to identify the subject matter of the soliciting in which the applicant will engage.
      (5)   The proposed dates and times of the solicitation and the routes to be followed in conducting same.
      (6)   The make, model, year, color and license plate number of automobiles used by the applicant during the period of solicitation within the City and the number of the applicant’s driver’s license and state of issuance.
      (7)   Such information shall only be valid for six months from the date of its furnishing to the Division of Police.
         (Ord. 197-2006. Passed 12-19-06.)