In abating any unlawful condition pursuant to the provisions of Section 1444.05, the Director of Public Service-Safety may take such action as is necessary to complete the abatement of the same and may utilize any labor or equipment of the City or may contract for the abatement thereof, if such contract may be let without any expense whatever to the City. Should it be practicable to sell or salvage any material resulting from the abatement, the Director may cause the same to be sold at public or private sale at the best price obtainable and shall keep an account of the proceeds thereof. Such proceeds shall be deposited in the General Fund of the City and, if the amount so received is less than the cost of the abatement, the Director shall report the matter to Council, which shall levy an assessment for the deficiency against the premises upon which such unlawful condition was abated and cause such assessment to be certified and collected as other assessments by the City.
   Should the proceeds of the sale of any material salvaged in the course of such abatement exceed the cost thereof, the amount of such excess shall be paid to the owner of the premises upon the filing of a claim therefor and proof of title and right to such surplus.
(Ord. 4-63. Passed 3-12-63.)