TITLE FOUR - Sewers and Wastewater Treatment
Chap. 1040.    Public Sewer Connections.
Chap. 1042.    Storm Sewer Connections.
Chap. 1044.    Untreated Sanitary Sewage.
Chap. 1046.    City Sewer Connections Outside Sewer Districts.
Chap. 1048.    Private Sewers.
Chap. 1050.    Sanitary Sewage Charges.
Chap. 1052.    Industrial Wastes.
Chap. 1054.    General Sewer District No. 1. (Repealed)
Chap. 1056.   Illicit Discharge and Illegal Connection Control.
         Chap. 1057.   Sediment and Erosion Control Standards for
               Construction Site Stormwater Control and Post-
               Construction Stormwater Management for New
      Development and Redevelopment.
Chap. 1058.   Stormwater Management.