(a)    No railroad company shall allow any of its grade crossings for public streets or alleys to become so uneven, rough or dangerous to public safety as to create conditions warranting erection of an "uneven tracks" sign. Such conditions are designated for the "uneven tracks" signs in the Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways as follows:
Size 24" x 24"
This sign shall be used at railroad crossings that are so uneven or rough that they cause a reduction in speed twenty-five percent less than the prima-facie speed for the section of highway approaching the railroad. The advisory speed sign shall be used to indicate the maximum safe speed that the railroad crossing can be comfortably traveled by passenger vehicles. The maximum safe speed shall be of such a value that cargo will not shift on commercial vehicles or cause any vehicle to deflect from its true course.
   (b)    When any railroad company is deemed by the Director of Public Service-Safety to be in violation of subsection (a) hereof, the Director shall serve notice upon such railroad company or its agent to repair its grade crossing. No railroad company shall fail to effect repairs or resurfacing of such crossing within thirty days after receipt of such notice, eliminating the conditions described in subsection (a) hereof.
   (c)    Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor. A separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. Punishment shall be as provided in Section 698.02. (Ord. 97-73. Passed 12-27-73.)