933.11   HOURS OF USE.
   (a)   No person shall enter a park or remain in a park except during the hours that parks are open and so posted.
   (b)   No person shall be permitted to remain within a park between sunset and sunrise, or when a park is either permanently or temporarily closed except upon written permission of the Mayor.
   (c)   The Mayor or Chief of Police may temporarily close a park or curtail or stop activities within or upon a park or any portion thereof, when it is deemed by such official or officials that such closing or curtailment or stopping is in the best interest of the public health, safety or welfare of the Village, or to maintain public order within the Village.
   (d)   Any park, or any portion thereof, may be closed to the public when it has been determined by the Mayor that the park or any portion thereof, is especially environmentally sensitive and human presence will endanger or harm the especially environmentally sensitive area of the park.
(Ord. 18-2003. Passed 8-28-03.)