(a)   No person in a park shall hunt, trap, or in any way abuse, molest, injure, pursue or kill any animal.
   (b)   No person in a park shall move, injure or destroy any bird nest or an animal habitation.
   (c)   No person in a park shall have in his possession an animal of any kind unless the animal is controlled or unless the animal is kept in a vehicle or suitably caged.
   (d)   No person in a park shall abandon an animal.
   (e)   No person shall herd, graze, drive or permit to run at large within a park, any cattle, horse, mule, donkey, goat, swine, poultry, fowl, or other animal.
   (f)   Any person bringing into a park or having or keeping in a park, a dog, cat, or domesticated animal shall keep such dog, cat or animal under control at all times and on a leash not more than eight feet long. No person shall bring into a park or have or keep in a park any dog, cat, household pet, wild animal or any other animal that may be destructive, harmful, or present a threat or be dangerous to any person, bird or wildlife.
   (g)   No person shall release, leave behind, or otherwise abandon any animal within or adjacent to any park.
   (h)   It shall be the duty of any person who owns, possesses, harbors, or controls a dog, cat, or domesticated animal to remove and dispose of any feces or excrement left or created in a park by said animal. If any such animal of any such person creates or leaves feces or excrement in a park, then such person shall immediately and promptly remove and dispose of all such feces with tools, implements or other devices carried by that person for such purpose.
   (i)   No person who owns, possesses, harbors, or controls a domesticated animal shall bring such animal to a park or allow such animal to be in a park without that person having immediately available the means to remove and dispose of any feces or excrement left or created by said animal. For the purposes of this section, the means of removal shall be by any tool, implement or other device carried for the purpose of picking up and containing such feces or excrement in a manner that such feces or excrement shall be unexposed to said person, any park user, and the public. For the purposes of this section, disposal shall be accomplished by transporting such feces or excrement to a place suitable and regularly used for the disposal of human feces, specifically designated for the disposal of canine feces, or otherwise designated.
   (j)   Subsections (h) and (i) hereof shall not apply to any visually impaired or physically handicapped person who owns, possesses or controls a dog in a park and such dog is a guide dog or a handicapped assistance dog.
(Ord. 18-2003. Passed 8-28-03.)