(a)   No person shall, without first obtaining a written permit from the office of the Mayor of the Village, remove any village property from a park.
   (b)   No person shall, without first obtaining written permission from an enforcement officer shall move any village property from one location within a park to another location in that or in any other park.
   (c)   No person in a park shall write upon, cut, mutilate, deface, diminished in value or otherwise cause village property to be damaged in any manner.
   (d)   No person in a park shall, without first obtaining a written permit from the office of the Mayor of the Village, dig, move, carry away or otherwise disturb any rock, stone, sod, sand, earth, tree, wood, shrub, plant, flower, root or other seed.
   (e)   No person in a park shall trample upon, injure, destroy, break, cut, chop, deface or otherwise disturb or damage any stone, tree, shrub, plant or flower.
   (f)   No person in a park shall, without first obtaining a written permit from the office
of the Mayor of the Village install or plant any materials except.
   (g)   No person in a park shall walk any animal or operate any vehicle, off any designated hiking or walking trail or designated recreation area except by permission.
   (h)   No person without privilege to do so, shall knowingly move, deface, damage, destroy or otherwise tamper with any survey marker, parking boundary marker, a park sign or safety device.
(Ord. 18-2003. Passed 8-28-03.)