(a)   Pursuant to, and in accordance with, the provisions of Ohio R.C. 733.262 the office of the Village Fiscal Officer of the Village of Perry, Ohio, is hereby established.
   (b)   Said Officer shall have the powers, duties, responsibilities and privileges granted same by statute and the Codified Ordinances of Perry, Ohio.
   (c)   Fiscal Officer’s duties:
      (1)   Keep the financial records of the Village in a professional, thorough and proper manner.
      (2)   Establish and maintain an account system as approved by the Auditor of State, including financial records and reports to be used by the Village.
      (3)   Deposit, in an appropriate and timely manner, funds that are received by the Village.
      (4)   Prepare and sign all checks necessary to the proper and timely payment of the Village's payroll, expenses, bills and other legal obligations.
      (5)   Shall act as the Village's "Human Resource Officer," and, in such capacity, maintain all personnel files, including records of an employee's work history, health issues, payroll, benefits, discipline, commendations and other relevant employment information.
      (6)   Prepare and distribute those various monthly, quarterly and annual reports as required by law.
      (7)   Balance, on a monthly basis, all Village financial records and bank statements and provide copies of same to Council.
      (8)   Provide information and assist the State Auditors at the bi-annual audit of the Village.
      (9)   Develop, maintain and supervise the Village's purchasing policy.
      (10)   Provide analyses and projections of future revenue and expenditures, as shall be requested by Council.
      (11)   Oversee all tasks concerning and/or related to the position of the Clerk of Council, including maintenance of records of all proceedings of Council, and its committees, as well as records of all motions, ordinances and resolutions passed by Council, and shall maintain a schedule of office hours as shall be mutually determined by the Chief Fiscal Officer and the Mayor.
      (12)   Prepare and ensure proper and timely notification to the public of all regular and special meetings and hearings of Council, Council committees, Village Planning Commission, and Village Board of Zoning Appeals.
      (13)   Prepare and ensure proper and timely notification to the public of all bidding procedures and requests for proposals.
      (14)   Attend all meetings of Council.
      (15)   Assist department heads, Council and Mayor in the preparation and submission of appropriation measures, estimates, budgets, capital programs, and other financial matters.
      (16)   Work with all department heads, Council and Mayor in the preparations of the annual budget, and the presentation of the annual budget to the Council's Finance Committee for review.
      (17)   Prepare the annual appropriations for Council and the Council's Finance Committee to review.
      (18)   Maintain all HIPPA information as the Village's "HIPPA" Officer.
      (19)   Keep thorough and proper records of all property owned by the Village.
      (20)   Keep thorough and proper records of all taxes and assessments.
       (21)   Ensure that the amount set aside for any appropriation is not overdrawn or used for other than the proper purpose.
      (22)   Certify to the County Auditor, at the beginning of each fiscal year, all available sources for expenditure for each fund.
      (23)   Sign all Village agreements.
      (24)   Serve as the Village Tax Administrator in accordance with the provisions of the Codified Ordinances of Perry, Ohio.
      (25)   Give appropriate assistance to all Village officials and/or personnel as needed.
      (26)   Perform all duties as assigned and/or requested by Council.
      (27)   Follow all policies and procedures required (or recommended) by the State Auditor's "Ohio Village Officer's Handbook," the Ohio "Sunshine Law" and/or the rulings, recommendations or opinions of the Ohio Ethics Commission.
      (28)   The Chief Fiscal Officer shall be considered and treated as a part-time, exempt, salaried employee of the Village.
      (29)   The aforesaid duties and responsibilities of the Chief Fiscal Officer shall be implemented and administered with the impute and consideration of the Mayor, who, it is acknowledged, is the Chief Administrative Officer of the Village.
(Ord. 9-2004. Passed 6-10-04; Ord. 2017-06. Passed 7-13-17.)