933.04.1   DOG PARK RULES.
   Any person, handler, owner or possessor entering upon or remaining upon the area known and designated as the Perry Village “Dog Park,” same being situated within the Village’s Lee Lydic Park, shall abide by the following:
   (a)   Each person, handler, owner or possessor using the park is responsible for reading the rules of the dog park upon first entering same.
   (b)   No person, handler, owner or possessor may bring more than two [alternatively, three] dogs into the park at one time.
   (c)   Said person, handler, owner or possessor must be sixteen years of age or older.
   (d)   Any child under sixteen years may enter the park only with a responsible adult.
   (e)   Each dog brought into the park must be wearing, or the person, handler, owner or possessor must carry, current vaccination and registration tags, which tags may be checked by a member of the Dog Park Group or by the animal control authority or other law enforcement authority.
   (f)   Dogs are to be brought to the park on leashes and released inside the dog park, and put under the control of the leash again as they exit the dog park. No spike, choke, electric, or prong collars are allowed on dogs in the park.
   (g)   No female dog in heat, or sick dog, shall be brought into the dog park.
   (h)   Food, toys, and glass containers are not permitted in the dog park. Smoking is prohibited in the dog park.
   (i)   Such person, handler, owner or possessor are to remain in visual contact with their dogs in the park, and shall have verbal control of their dogs in the park.
   (j)   A person, handler, owner or possessor shall immediately leash and remove a dog that becomes aggressive, regardless of whether the dog has a history of bites or has been designated as a dangerous or vicious dog under state or other applicable law; in no event may a dog that has been designated as dangerous or vicious be brought into the park. Criminal penalties apply to bringing a dangerous or vicious dog into this park.
   (k)   Dog bites shall be reported immediately to the [local police or animal control officer] at [phone number and email address]. All animal bites of other dogs or people shall be reported to local police and the animal control authority by anyone involved or witnessing the bite.
   (1)   Such person, handler, owner or possessor shall control excessive barking.
   (m)   Person, handler, owner or possessor is responsible for destruction caused by his or her dog, which includes the responsibility of filling in any holes the dog digs while in the park.
   (n)   No animal, other than dogs, shall be permitted within the Dog Park at any time.
(Ord. 2018-11. Passed 4-12-18.)