No permit shall be issued by the Village authorizing any person, firm, partnership, corporation, company, association, or other legal entity, or any combination thereof, to engage in the activities or work referenced in Sections 1321.01(b) and 1321.09(a), until a surety bond, with such terms and conditions to protect the Village and its inhabitants from any damages and to guarantee the full and complete performance by the insured, and that the insured is in compliance with the Codified Ordinances of the Village, is filed with the Mayor in a sum that shall be determined by the Village Engineers to be fair and reasonable, and same to be payable to the Village. Failure to maintain the surety bond provided for in this section shall result in the revocation of the permit issued herein. The form of such surety bond shall be approved by the Village Solicitor.
(Ord. 2010-07. Passed 10-14-10.)