   The improvements required shall be designed by an engineer, registered in the State of Ohio, furnished and installed by the subdivider in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations and other regulations of the State and County. The improvements shall be installed, or financial guarantees as specified in these Regulations for such installation to be approved by the Village Solicitor, Village Engineer and County Sanitary Engineer, where applicable, and posted with the Village Council to guarantee such construction, prior to approval and recording of the final plat. The improvements stated herein shall be required of all subdivisions, whether major or minor, should the Village Engineer and County Sanitary Engineer feel such improvements are necessary to accomplish the purpose of these Regulations. Plans and computations as required in Chapter 1109 shall be submitted to the Village Engineer for approval. In cases where only slight modifications in the plans are found necessary, a copy will be marked and made available to the designing Engineer for these corrections. If extensive modifications are required, the Village Engineer and/or County Sanitary Engineer may reject the plan and approval will not be given. When satisfactory, the tracings shall be brought to the Village Engineer and County Sanitary Engineer for their signature. Contractors must work from an approved, signed copy of the plans. Changes made in the field shall be approved by the Village Engineer and County Sanitary Engineer, where applicable, and the tracing shall be corrected by the developer's engineer. Where sanitary sewers are provided, duplicate sets of original tracings shall be provided to the County Sanitary Engineer where specified. At the completion of the construction and before acceptance, the subdivider shall provide the Village Engineer with one (1) set of corrected (as built) mylar tracings for permanent record, showing the locations, sizes, and elevations of all improvements as constructed.
   (a)   Drainage. A drainage system shall be designed and constructed by the subdivider to provide for the proper drainage of the surface water of the subdivision and the drainage area of which it is a part. To this end the subdivision shall be graded as shown on the site drainage and grading plan.
      (1)   Drainage plan. As a part of the required improvement plans, the subdivider shall furnish a plot plan showing, by the use of arrows and proposed contour lines, how he intends to surface drain each lot.
(Ord. 7A-1977. Passed 6-14-77.)
      (2)   Storm sewers.
         A.   An adequate storm drainage system shall be constructed for each proposed subdivision. The storm drainage system shall consist of a system of underground conduits which provide adequate inlets for all surface runoff and separate storm drainage connections for each individual residential, commercial or industrial unit.
         B.   The design and construction of storm water drainage improvements shall be subject to the approval of the Village Engineer. The design and construction of manholes and manhole covers shall, as nearly as practical, be uniform throughout the Village. If consistent with such uniformity, the improvements shall be in accordance with the standards and specifications as established and on file with the Lake County Engineeroffice.
         C.   Where natural drainage channels intersect the right of way, it shall be the responsibility of the subdivider to have satisfactory bridges and/or culverts constructed. The culverts shall extend across the entire right of way width of the proposed street. The cover over the culvert and its capacity shall be determined by the Village Engineer. The minimum diameter of a culvert pipe shall be eighteen inches (18") and depending on existing drainage conditions, head-walls may be required.
(Ord. 10-1979. Passed 6-7-79.)
      (3)   Flood areas. In order to protect the health, safety, and general welfare of the people, the Village Planning Commission shall reject any proposed subdivision located in an area subject to periodic flooding. If the subdivision in located in an areas having poor drainage or other adverse physical characteristics, the Commission may approve the subdivision provided the subdivider agrees to perform such improvements as will render the area safe for the intended use. In lieu of improvements, the subdivider shall furnish a surety or certified check covering the cost of the required improvements.
Flood control of storm drainage facilities shall be provided as follows:
         A.   Access to flood control or storm drainage ditches and channels shall be by means of easements. Such easements shall be not less than thirty (30) feet in width, exclusive of the width of the ditch, or channel, and an easement of this type shall be provided on one (1) side of a flood control or storm drainage ditch, channel, or similar type facility;
         B.   Flood control or storm drainage easements containing underground facilities shall have a minimum width of ten (10) feet.
         C.   Whenever a flood control or storm drainage ditch or channel has a depth of five (5) feet or more, or a bank slope of two (2) feet horizontal to one (1) foot vertical of steeper, a five-foot (5') high masonry wall or a five-foot (5') high chain link fence may be required by the Commission at the expense of the subdivider.
      (4)   Grading requirements. Each residential, commercial or industrial lot or parcel shall be so graded as to allow no ponding whatsoever of any surface water.
         A.   Wherever feasible, grading shall be accomplished in such fashion that all surface water shall drain into inlets constructed within limits of the right-of-way.
         B.   When necessary, inlets and conduits draining into storm conduits shall be constructed in areas outside the limits of the right-of-way.
         C.   The methods outlined in subsections A. and B. above are not to be construed as to prohibit any drainage, wherever feasible, into natural or constructed drainage channels.
         D.   Special attention shall be given to avoid any ponding or excessive runoff to contiguous property of any surface water, both during and subsequent to the period of construction.
         E.   In unpaved areas the minimum allowable gradient of the surface to accomplish overland flow shall be seven-tenths of one percent. The maximum allowable length of flow of surface water over unpaved areas before entering an inlet or a channel shall be five hundred feet (500')
         F.   Driveways shall have a maximum grade of 10 percent.
   (b)   Street Improvements. The subdivider shall design and construct pavements, curbs and gutters of sizes and types not less than set forth in these Regulations for all streets. All materials and construction procedures shall be in accordance with the current and Materials Specificationsof the State of Ohio Department of Transportation, or the specifications on file in the Village Engineer's office, whichever are greater.
      (1)   General requirements.
         A.   Higher standards and/or greater widths than indicated herein may be required by the Commission and/or the Village Engineer to adequately provide for unusual soil conditions or extraordinary traffic volumes or loads.
         B.   The subdivider may construct a temporary roadway of slag or stone for use during the building construction period. Such pavements shall be maintained in a safe and passable condition by the subdivider without expense to the Village.
      (2)   Street subgrade. The subgrade shall be free of sod, vegetative or organic matter, soft clay, and other objectional materials for a depth of at least two (2) feet below the finished surface. After all underground utilities and house connections are installed and inspected, and rough grading completed, the subgrade shall be properly rolled, shaped, and compacted. The subgrade shall be subject to the approval of the Village Engineer.
      (3)   Street base course design.
         A.   The base course shall be an aggregate base of slag screening cushion course (Ohio Department of Highways Item 304) of a thickness determined by the Village Engineer.
         B.   Where the subgrade is such that drainage cannot be effected a 3 inch compacted sub-base of Item I-22 shall be required.
      (4)   Street surface course design.
         A.   A Portland cement concrete pavement together with Portland cement concrete sidewalks shall be constructed in each street proposed to he dedicated. In certain special instances where it is proposed to use an existing dedicated street with an inadequate pavement as principal access street to the proposed subdivision, the Village may require that new pavement and sidewalks be constructed on such principal access streets at no expense to the Village.
         B.   All Portland cement concrete pavements shall be constructed with integral mountable concrete curb on each side of the pavement, a minimum section of 7 inch thickness and in accordance with the State of Ohio, Department of Highways, Construction and Material Specifications, Item T-70 shall be required as specified in these Regulations.
         C.   The minimum amount of entrained air shall be 6 percent.
         D.   The minimum 28 day compressive strength shall be 4000 pounds per square inch.
         E.   Tests will be made by a commercial testing laboratory, at the expense of the contractor, twice each day. Tests will be for air, slump and three (3) compression cylinders, one cylinder at 7 days and two cylinders at 28 days. Copies of the test results will be sent to the Contractor ready-mix producer and Village Engineer.
         F.   Pavement shall be defined as the overall width, back to back curbs. In no event, however, shall the minimum pavement widths be less than those hereinafter required nor less than the minimum widths recommended and approved by the Village Engineer, even if said Engineerrequirements exceeds those minimums.
      (5)   Street curbs and gutters.
         A.   All Portland cement concrete pavements shall be constructed with integral mountable Portland cement concrete curb on each side of the pavement. Curbs shall have a minimum section of seven (7) inch thickness and shall be in accordance with State of Ohio, Department of Highways, "Construction and Material Specifications", Item T-70 (except as modified under (b)(4), Street Surface).
         B.   A 4 inch drain tile underdrain, Item I-1, with a suitable granular backfill shall be provided on the outside of each curb to adequately drain the subbase or subgrade.
         C.   Driveways shall have a maximum grade of ten percent (10%). Curb cuts for straight curbs and the flare for rolled curbs shall be three feet (3') wider than the driveway pavement on each side.
(Ord. 7A-1977. Passed 6-14-77.)
      (6)   Sidewalks and aprons.
         A.   Sidewalks shall be required along all streets in a subdivision or on any improved lot on an existing street and shall comply with the following requirements.
         B.   Sidewalks shall be Portland cement concrete, so positioned that the edge of the sidewalk furthest from the pavement shall lie one (1) foot within the limit of the right of way. The minimum width of sidewalk shall be four (4) feet and the minimum thickness shall be four (4) inches. At driveways and other points of vehicular industrial drive crossing or wherever heavy or frequent vehicular loads are contemplated, suitable street reinforcing acceptable to the Village Engineer, shall be required.
         C.   The sidewalks shall be extended to the curb at all street intersections and at all proposed pedestrian crosswalks.
         D.   Sidewalks and curb at all pedestrian crosswalks and at block corners, shall conform to the latest requirements currently in effect by the State of Ohio governing the accommodation of handicapped persons.
         E.   Concrete drive aprons shall be constructed from the sidewalk to the curb before the completion of each residential, commercial or industrial unit and shall meet the same requirements for thickness and reinforcement as previously specified.
(Ord. 10-1979. Passed 6-7-79.)
      (7)   Street signage and names.
         A.   Street name signs, of a type in use throughout the Village, shall be erected by the subdivider at all intersections at no cost to the Village. Sign specifications are available from Village Engineer.
         B.   Whenever a new street is constructed along the approximate alignment or extension of an existing street, its name shall be the same as that of the existing one.
         C.   Whenever a street alignment changes direction more than seventy- five degrees (75°) without a return to the original alignment within a distance of five hundred feet (500'), then the name of the street may be changed at the point of curvature.
         D.   Whenever a cul-de-sac street serves not more the three (3) lots, the name of the intersecting street shall apply to the cul-de-sac.
         E.   To avoid duplication and confusion, the proposed names of all streets shall be approved by the Planning Commission prior to such names being assigned or used.
      (8)   Street lighting. Street lighting shall be required and installed in accordance with current minimum standards as set forth by the American Society of Illuminating Engineers. Such installation shall be completed within one (1) year after the completion of subdivision construction. Assessments will be assigned by the Village of Perry to the Subdivider.
      (9)   Street trees.
         A.   The developer shall pay a fixed amount to the Village of Perry for the provision of street trees. Planting, care, and replacement of such trees shall be the responsibility of the Village. A fixed fee for each sixty (60) feet of frontage or fraction thereof, measured along the right-of-way line of the street, shall be charged to the developer for this purpose.
         B.   The above mentioned schedule of fees shall be posted in the office of the Clerk. Said schedule of fees shall be established by ordinance of Council. Until all applicable fees, charges and expenses have been paid in full, no action shall be taken on any application or appeal.
         C.   Throughout new subdivisions, existing trees should be retained wherever possible.
   (c)   Sewer and Water Facilities.
      (1)   Sanitary sewers. In the event of proposed installation or extension of public sanitary sewers, the subdivider shall confer with the County Sanitary Engineer as to requirements and procedures to be followed. If a subdivision can be reasonably served by the extension of an existing public sanitary sewer, as determined by the Commission, the subdivider or developer shall provide lateral connections to each sublot. Where a public sanitary sewer is not reasonably accessible, the subdivider, the owner, or the developer may provide an individual disposal system for each sublot provided that such system is installed in accordance with County Health District requirements. Whenever main lines are installed, sewer and water shall be extended to property line of the subdivision. Connections to public sanitary sewer lines shall be subject to the approval and recommendations of the County Sanitary Engineer.
      (2)   Individual sewage disposal facilities. A the event of proposed installation of individual disposal systems, the subdivider shall confer with officials of the Lake County General Health District as to requirements and procedure to be observed.
      (3)   Public water supply. Where public water supply is available as determined by the Commission, the subdivider or developer shall construct a system of water mains and connect with such public water supply to serve each sublot, in accordance with the standards established by the Village Engineer and authorized public utility.
      (4)   Individual (private) water supply.
         A.   Where public water supply is not available, the subdivider shall supply acceptable evidence to the Planning Commission that an adequate supply of potable water is available. If such evidence is deemed not acceptable the subdivider may be required to make one or more test wells in the area to be platted.
         B.   Copies of well logs to be submitted as evidence of the availability of water in the area to be platted shall include the name and address of the well installer and shall be submitted with the plat to the Lake County General Health District with a copy to the Planning Commission.
         C.   The minimum distances between the individual water supply system and various sources of contamination shall be established by the regulations of the Lake County General Health District.
         D.   As a precaution against seepage, a water tight seal shall be provided around the pump mounting. All abandoned wells shall be sealed in accordance with the regulations of the Lake County General Health District.
         E.   In all cases where it has been determined by the Lake County General Health District and/or Planning Commission that individual water supplied from private wells is not feasible, a public water distribution system will be required.
   (d)   Electric, Gas and Telephone Improvements.
      (1)   Electric service and telephone service shall be provided within each subdivision.
      (2)   Gas service may be required where reasonably accessible. Whenever such facilities are reasonably accessible and available, they may be required to be installed within the area prior to the approval of the final plat.
      (3)   All systems, such as, telephone, electric and street lighting wires, conduits and cables shall be constructed underground except in cases where the Village Engineer and Planning Commission determine that topographic, bedrock or underground water conditions would result in excessive costs to the Subdivider.
      (4)   The Village Engineer will determine the exact location of the proposed utilities in the right-of-way.
   (e)   Oversize and Off-Site Improvements. The utilities, pavements and other land improvements required for the proposed subdivision shall be designed of over-size and/or with extensions provide to serve nearby land which is an integral part of the neighborhood service or drainage area as determined by the Village Engineer, and County Sanitary Engineer where applicable.
(Ord. 7A-1977. Passed 6-14-77.)
   (f)   Fences. When a multi-family development is to be constructed adjacent to a single family residential development or a single family residential development is to be constructed adjacent to a multi-family development, then a fence shall be erected along the common boundary between the two developments. The fence shall be of a size and design to be approved by the Planning Commission. Landscape material and fencing in combination may be required. The Planning Commission may set size and design standards to conform to the overall design existing in an area or it may introduce such designs as it deems proper.
(Ord. 10-1979. Passed 6-7-79.)