(a) Design and Arrangement.
(1) The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall make provision for the continuation of the principal existing streets in adjoining areas (or their proper projection where adjoining land is not subdivided) insofar as they may be deemed necessary for public requirements.
(2) The street arrangement shall be such as to not cause hardship to owners of adjoining property when they plat their own land and seek to provide for convenient access to it. Residential streets shall be so designed as to discourage through traffic. Offset streets should be avoided except as they are not less than five hundred (500) feet at their access points on a collector street.
(3) The angle of intersection between minor streets and major streets should not vary more than ten (10) degrees from a right angle. All other streets should intersect each other as near to a right angle as possible and no intersection of streets at angles of less than seventy (70) degrees shall be permitted. Multiple intersections involving more than two (2) streets shall be prohibited.
(4) Residential streets shall be designed to discourage through traffic which may otherwise use secondary or major highways, and whose origin and destination are not within the subdivision. Residential streets extending for considerable distance, parallel to any secondary or major street, should be avoided. Looping of utilities on streets should be encouraged.
(5) Streets planned to serve multi-family, business or industrial areas shall connect directly to Major or Collector streets, so as to not generate large volumes of traffic on local residential streets.
(Ord. 7A-1977. Passed 6-14-77.)
(6) Cul-de-sac streets shall be provided with a turnaround having a minimum right-of-way radius of 100 feet and a maximum depth of 800 feet measured from the centerline of the engineering section and including the turnaround. The outside of the road service within the turnaround right of way shall have a minimum radius of 40 feet. Interior islands may be required at the discretion of the Planning Commission, such islands shall be maintained by the adjoining property owners. If the adjoining property owners do not maintain the interior islands, then they shall be maintained by the Village and prorata costs of such maintenance shall be charged to the adjoining property owners. (Ord. 10-1979. Passed 6-7-79.)
(7) Dead-End-Streets: Streets designated to be dead-ended permanently shall not be permitted. Any dead-end street of a temporary nature, if longer than four hundred (400) feet or fronted by existing lots, shall have a surfaced turning area equal in diameter to the right-of-way width of said street at its termination.
(8) Half Streets: Half streets shall not be prohibited.
(9) Service Streets: Service streets shall be avoided in single or two-family districts. They may, however, be required in multiple dwelling developments. Service streets are required in the rear of all commercial and industrial lots if no other provisions are made for adequate service access or for parking. The rights-of-way of such service streets shall not be less than thirty (30) feet and dead-end service streets shall not be permitted.
(b) Alignment.
(1) Vertical: For main thoroughfares, profile grades shall be connected by vertical curves of a minimum length equivalent to twenty (20) times the algebraic difference between the rates of grade, expressed in feet per hundred; for secondary and minor streets and alleys, fifteen (15) times.
(2) Horizontal: Minimum horizontal radii, a maximum degree of centerline curvature:
Article Highways | 8° | 650 ft. |
Main Thoroughfares | 12° | 475 ft. |
Secondary Thoroughfares | 19° | 300 ft. |
Minor Streets | 28° | 200 ft. |
Streets 800 feet or shorter | 53° | 100 ft. |
(3) A tangent shall be introduced between reverse curves as follows:
Minor - 50'
Collector - 100'
Major Artery - 200'
(4) Visibility Requirements:
A. Minimum vertical visibility (measured 4-1/2 ft. eye level to tail light 18" above ground level).
900 ft. on limited access arterials
500 ft. on main thoroughfares
300 ft. on secondary thoroughfares
200 ft. on minor streets
100 ft. on streets shorter than 500 ft.
B. Minimum horizontal visibility shall be: (measured on centerline)
900 ft. on limited access arterials
500 ft. on main thoroughfares
300 ft. on secondary thoroughfares
100 ft. on all other streets
(Ord. 7A-1977. Passed 6-14-77.)
(c) Street and Alley Width.
(1) The width of all major thoroughfares shall conform to the widths designated on the Major Highway Plan, or Comprehensive Plan of Perry Village and Lake County, Ohio. However, in no case shall the width of all major thoroughfares be less than twenty-four feet and the width of any one lane of travel in a major thoroughfare be less than twelve feet.
(Ord. 10-1979. Passed 6-7-79.)
(2) The minimum right-of-way widths for streets and alleys are as follows:
Type | R.O.W. Width |
A. Arterial Highway or Major Thoroughfare | 80' - 100'** |
B. Secondary or Collector | 60' |
C. Minor or Local | 60' |
D. Rural Roads | 50' - 60'** |
E. Service Roads and Alleys | 30' |
F. Cul-de-sac Streets | 60' |
* More right-of-way may be required in areas where ditches are used in place of curbs and gutters as determined by the Commission.
** As specified by major thoroughfare plan or as determined by the Commission.
(d) Street Grades.
(1) Vertical curves. No street grade shall be less than ½ percent and shall not exceed the following with due allowances for reasonable vertical curves:
A. Main or arterial thoroughfares | 5% |
Secondary thoroughfares | 6% |
Minor Streets and Alleys | 8% |
Cul-de-sacs and Streets less than 800 Feet. | 10% |
(2) Cross section. The gradients of streets shall be not less than 0.5 percent without curb and gutter and 0.3 percent with curb and gutter. On streets where curbs, gutters and sidewalks are not required, there shall be a berm, the width of which shall be determined by the applicable street cross-section as determined by the Commission.
(e) Street Jogs. Street jogs with centerline offsets of less than one hundred sixty (160) feet shall be prohibited. If deemed necessary by the Commission, the minimum distance between center line offsets may be increased or adjusted.
(f) Corner Radii. The radii on both pavement edge and right-of-way is to be thirty (30) feet minimum at all points of roadway intersection.
(Ord. 7A-1977. Passed 6-14-77.)