§ 152.035  DEFINED.
   The following requirements are for subdivisions having a lot density no greater than five lots per ten  acres, prorated to the actual number of acres in a subdivision, with no more than 20% of the lots located therein being less than two acres in size.
(Ord. O-C-97-9, passed 12-22-1997)
§ 152.036  PUBLIC WAYS.
   All public ways located within the subdivision which are not dedicated and accepted as a county highway, shall have a private maintenance agreement providing for the maintenance of the roadway by the users thereof. The private roadway maintenance agreement shall be recorded so that it is a covenant running with the land in the subdivision.
(Ord. O-C-97-9, passed 12-22-1997)
   The Plan Commission shall not require the provision of utility services within a subdivision, however, the subdivision shall contain suitable utility easements which are recorded in the office of the County Recorder, to provide for the extension of utility services to any lot owner desiring those utilities.
(Ord. O-C-97-9, passed 12-22-1997)