When any special assessment is reported by the City Assessor to Council, as directed in this chapter, the same shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk and numbered consecutively. Before adopting such assessment, Council shall cause notice to be published for at least two weeks in a newspaper of the City, of the filing of the same with the City Clerk, appointing a time when Council and the City Assessor will meet to view the assessment. Any person objecting to the assessment may file his or her objections thereto, in writing, with the City Clerk. Notice provided for in this section may be addressed to the person whose name appears on the special assessment roll, and to all others interested therein, and may be in the following form:
   To (insert the names of the persons against whom the assessment appears), and to all other persons interested, take notice: That the roll of the special assessment heretofore made by the City Assessor for the purpose of defraying that part of the cost which the Council decided should be paid and borne by special assessment for the (insert the object of the assessment and the locality of the proposed improvement in general terms) is now on file in my office for public inspection. Notice is also hereby given that the Council and the City Assessor of the City of Perry will meet at the Council room in said City on (insert the date fixed upon) to review said assessment, at which time and place opportunity will be given all persons interested to be heard.
   Dated: _________________________________                       _________________________________
                                             City Clerk
(Ord. 94. Passed 11-22-65.)