The Planning Commission shall have powers concerning the preparation and adoption of a master plan or any part thereof, the making of surveys as a basis for such plan, the approval of public improvements, the carrying out of educational and publicity programs, zoning and the approval of plats, and shall have such other rights, powers, duties and responsibilities as are provided under State law and any other City ordinance and/or resolutions.
   (a)   The Planning Commission shall make and approve a master plan as a guide for development within the City. At least every five years after adoption of the Master Plan, the Planning Commission shall review the Master Plan and determine whether to commence the procedure to amend the Master Plan or adopt a new master plan. The review and its findings shall be recorded in the minutes of the relevant meeting or meetings of the Planning Commission.
   (b)   The Planning Commission shall make an annual written report to the Mayor and City Council concerning its operations and the status of planning activities.
(Ord. 70. Passed 11-21-61; Ord. 294. Passed 11-21-06; Ord. 312. Passed 10-19-10; Ord. 350. Passed 10-15-20.)