a.   Maximum depth of excavation shall remain two feet above the watertable.
   b.   No excavation shall be permitted closer than 100 yards from the boundary lines of the property.
   c.   No excavation shall be permitted closer than 150 yards from the boundary line adjacent to any property used for residential purposes.
   d.   The truck traffic "haul road" access to the property shall be connected to a "Class A - all weather" road.
   e.   All areas subject to current and/or active excavation operations shall be fenced. The fences shall be at least five and one-half feet in height and constructed of woven wire fabric and barbed wire on metal posts. Gates, the same height as the fence, shall be installed at all points of vehicular or pedestrian access and shall be kept locked when not in regular use.
   f.      Screening shall be provided along all setback lines (within forty to 150 feet from property lines or right-of-ways) of the site. Such screening shall consist of one or more of the following:
      i.   Earth berms constructed to a height of ten feet above the mean elevation of the general level of terrain along the adjacent property lines. Such berms shall have slopes that are not in excess of one foot vertical to three feet horizontal and shall be planted with grass and trees or shrubs.
      ii.   Planting of trees and/or shrubs not less than ten feet apart in three staggered rows parallel to the boundaries of the property, which trees or shrubs shall be at least ten feet in height.
      iii.   Earth berms planted with grass and trees or shrubbery as specified in paragraph (f)(2) hereof, provided that the total height of the berm and the trees is at least ten feet above the general level of the terrain along the adjacent property lines.
(Ord. 216. Passed 12-17-91.)