The Chief of the Fire Department shall be the head of the Fire Department. He or she shall preside at all meetings of the Department, shall have charge of and be responsible for proper maintenance of the apparatus of the Department and shall, with the consent and approval of the Mayor, establish rules for the operation of the Department and for the duties and conduct of the members thereof. He or she shall have the power to suspend any member of the Department for violation of rules, disobedience to orders of a superior officer or disorderly conduct while on duty, but such suspension shall be reported immediately to the Mayor, who shall take such action thereon as he or she may see fit. All members of the Department shall have all the powers provided by the laws of the State for the protection of lives and property in case of fire, and shall exercise the same in such manner as may be provided by the rules of the Department and the orders of the Mayor, the Chief of the Department, the Assistant Chief of the Department and the Lieutenant.
(Ord. 1955-20. Passed 5-18-55.)