This section is designed to identify the department or agency in the municipality responsible for warning and communications activities, and provides a list of actions this department/agency should consider when this municipal plan is activated:
   (A)   Warn the following:
      (1)   Municipal elected official;
      (2)   Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator/Director;
      (3)   County Emergency Management Director/Coordinator;
      (4)   Municipal emergency operations center representatives; and
      (5)   Special facilities.
   (B)   Ensure all agencies represented in the municipal EOC have communications both to their staff at their department offices and their staff at the incident site. This equipment consists of telephone, pagers, radios, cell phones, fax and the like);
   (C)   Activate public warning system. This may consist of warning system sirens, door-to-door, village area schools pre-K-12 parent notification: contact Administrator to activate. Develop assignment on how alert, watch and warning would be handled prior to a disaster or emergency situation;
   (D)   Establish communications with the county EOC if activated or the County Emergency Management office. The communications equipment available is telephone, pagers, radios, fax and the like); and
   (E)   Establish communications with the command post.
(Ord. passed 8-9-2010)